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France should copy Hungary says Migration expert

Last year, the majority of France’s natural population growth occurred due to migrants producing more children rather than ethnic-European births adding growth to the French population. In order to reverse this genocidal trend, the country should follow the Hungarian example, said popular philosopher and author Eric Zemmour on the evening political talk show of CNews television channel.

‘The number of births has never been so low in France. The reasons are the economic and social conditions, family policy and the decision of the socialists to abolish family allowances for better-off people; and the dominant ideology,’ Zemmour said, adding that the prevalent social trends since the 1990s also played a major part in the natural population growth.

‘Since the 90s and 2000s people have been praising the individual, feminism, and gender theory. The dominant ideology destabilises traditional benchmarks. And the lengthening of abortion periods is a problem and all of this leads to a drop in the birth rate,’ he said.

He referred to statistics which showed that in 2006, the natural population growth was 306,000, half of which consisted of immigrants. In contrast, by 2019, the natural growth dropped to 163,000, while the number of immigrants entering the country rose by 191,000.

Other statistics point to even higher rates of immigration into France, with National Rally MEP and party deputy Nicholas Bay pointing to numbers that showed a net of 400,000 migrants entering France every year, a figure which frighteningly does not even represent illegal migrants.

The height of an absurdity is to even suggest that an African, Arab Muslim and Asian become European nationals sharing equal rights to the indigenous peoples of the European nations.

Answering the moderator’s ludicrous interruption that these migrants are also French, Zemmour said, ’I know that at the border these immigrants get a French identity card, but that does not solve the problem. From the moment they assimilate, they are French, but if they don’t, they still have a French identity card, and it causes a demographic problem that cannot be denied.’

‘One sees in Europe policies like those of [Hungarian Prime Minister] ViktorOrbán, who have the same problem. They have established a fairly vigorous demographic policy, with plenty of state money distributed, discouraging divorce, favouring childbirth and this is supported by a strong policy of persuasion.’

Hungary began a strong demographic policy based on increasing birth rates instead of immigration in 2016, offering tax breaks, housing support and early pensions for families with more children. The country now spends €6.8 billion a year on its pro-family policies, which has delivered steady progress. 

Zemmour, who is Jewish, is a strong opponent of mass migration, and has said in the past that it is a ‘crime against the European people that will end in bloodshed’. 

Title image: French philosopher and author Eric Zemmour on the CNews television channel. ( Source

MICHAEL WALSH is a journalist, broadcaster and the author of WITNESS TO HISTORY, RISE OF THE SUN WHEEL (Paperback / Ebook), TROTSKY’S WHITE NEGROESMEGACAUST,  DEATH OF A CITY MY LAST TESTAMENT LET GOD JUDGE ME,  THE ALL LIES INVASION (Paperback / Ebook), THE All LIES INVASION II (Paperback / Ebook)Odyssey Adolf Hitler, SLAUGHTER OF A DYNASTY, REICH AND WRONG, THE RED BRIGANDS, RANSACKING THE REICH, SCULPTURES OF THE THIRD RIECH: ARNO BREKER AND REICH SCULPTORS, SCULPTURES OF THE THIRD REICH VOLUME II Josef Thorak and Reich Sculptors, SCULPTURES OF THE THIRD REICH VOLUME III Porcelain and Reich Sculptors,  and other book titles. These best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.

MICHAEL WALSH is a journalist, author, and broadcaster. His 70 books include best-selling THE LAST GLADIATORS Fiancés of Death (Paperback / Ebook); AFRICA’S KILLING FIELDS: African Victims of the Liberal-Left (Paperback / Ebook); RHODESIA’S DEATH EUROPE’S FUNERAL European to Wall Street Colonialism (Paperback / Ebook); RISE OF THE SUN WHEEL (Paperback / Ebook), THE ALL LIES INVASION I, THE All LIES INVASION II,  and many other book titles. These illustrated best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.

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