Blood and Soil

We are the last hope for white humanity

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How is the conscience of Slavs different from the conscience of other peoples? Conscience in the understanding that we, Slavs, exist only with us.

In other languages, the word we translate as ‘conscience’ already has quite a different meaning. For example, in English the word consciousness, which we translate in one context as ‘conscience’, in another context will mean ‘consciousness’.

The bottom line is that in other languages this means only a part of consciousness that is responsible for doing good to others because it is beneficial.

If you do good to others, you will also be good to others. Many religious teachings and cults revolve around this idea, the purpose of which is to show man the rational Way.


What is the feature of conscience in Slavs? It is not a part of consciousness, but a part of our soul, that is transmitted not through teachings, but only through blood, which we have inherited from our ancient ancestors. It’s not in vain that we, Slavs, have always called ourselves descendants of God.

Our conscience never judges in categories of ‘profitable-disadvantageous’. When we do something bad, we don’t think about what we will get back for it. We just feel this is not good. Our soul starts to ache. Often it happens even unconsciously. This is why our human beings will never be happy when there is injustice. That’s why only our person can give up his life when his conscience tells him.


There are quite a few examples of self-sacrifice of people of other nations when people gave their lives for faith, freedom, and love. But in all cases, people were driven by the highest ideals, either the desire to enter heaven or the fear to retreat from the faith. Muslim fanatic blows himself up because he is promised a paradise where wine flows and black-eyed virgins are all around. It’s all on a conscious level.

The self-sacrifice of the Slavic people has no benefit, in the years of the Great Patriotic, many who were atheists gave their lives. Very well said by the hero Sergei Bodrov in the movie ‘Brother’: ‘JUST BECAUSE YOU NEED IT.’ This is what always drives us, no matter what lies and beliefs are imposed on us. It stays in our blood, which is what the masters of the world hate so much.

Therefore (in their opinion) we are destroyed. First of all, to destroy the gene pool, because it is in it All the Power. In our Conscience and Truth. The Westerner does not have this power. We can see how easily tolerance is instilled there not only to migrants and growing Islamism, but also to all kinds of perversion. In some countries, incest has already begun to be taught in schools…


Well, we are a serious problem for the masters of the world! Because immunity is in our blood and we are alive as long as our gene pool is alive. You could say we are the last hope for white humanity. FIGHT NOT FOR WHAT OUR PEOPLE ARE BUT FOR WHAT THEY CAN BECOME

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WITNESS TO HISTORY Mike Walsh Epic Chronicle of the Third Reich 1918-1959. ‘Of all the innumerable written source materials I have read during the last 70 years concerning Adolf Hitler, Witness to History is the most compelling, realistic overview of the Third Reich in print, because its events are told by those who made them.’ ~ Marc Roland:

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