Month: June 2024


FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS Germany is no longer the same – Orban rebuked Berlin for the failure of migration policy. On the eve of a meeting with Washington-appointed Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban criticized the state of affairs in modern Germany. Europe’s most […]

White Christians deliberately replaced in Europe – Orban

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS German politician Manfred Weber is the Great Satan behind this population replacement, the Hungarian prime minister says. A militant faction of pro-migration politicians is managing the replacement of white European Christians with Muslim immigrants, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has declared.  ‘In Europe, there is an […]

Press Assassination for telling the truth

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS How Media Turned Election Favorite into a Villain for Telling the Truth: ‘The West provoked the Ukraine conflict’ says a major contender for party power in the upcoming British stage-managed election. In fact, the REFORM UK party’s leader simply repeated what everyone […]

POST-WAR Defeat and Plebiscite Delivers Ukraine to Russia

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS MICHAEL WALSH VETERAN JOURNALIST: Washington’s Nightmare: A post-war Ukraine and ousted Kyiv régime is ideally placed for being peacefully absorbed by the Russian Federation. Washington’s hand-picked leaders of its European colonies will face similar problems with the Brussels crushed electorates of the […]

Free your Nation: American Occupied Europe

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS MICHAEL WALSH VETERAN JOURNALST: I frequently travel throughout Europe via every compass point. Wherever I visit I am reminded so much of American influence and control it is frightening. It is still safe to say that the 27 nations making up the […]

ANOTHER RAT leaves the sinking HMS Britain

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS UK Prime Minister owns $7 million home in California: one of the world’s richest families will relocate to their California beach house after an expected Tory defeat in the upcoming snap July 4 election. Rishi Sunak’s adversaries claim that the unelected British […]

HEIL TO THAT EU swing to the right pleases Putin

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS As the EU parliament welcomes 185 populist candidates it can forecast another outcome. The still-to-be-fought national elections in Europe will continue to shrink the liberal-left caucus. Marine le Pen’s National Rally took the winner’s podium by storm in France. Capturing 34.5 per […]