Current Events

Hey! I Recognize That Man

EDITOR: Yesterday whilst at the seafront I watched and listened to a busker. As I dreamed, he put his heart and soul into playing his melodies: I thought better than many a paid-for concert instrumentalist.

Putting years of practice into entertaining idlers and passersby I thought of his life-long sacrifices. During that half hour or so several hundred strollers passed him by without one of them dropping a cent into his music case.

Taken for granted yet he still played on. Perhaps because getting on in years, he had few choices. Busking was one of the few ways he could keep a roof over his head. Perhaps my modest donation bucked his spirits up.

Then the recognition. I thought, ‘heck, I know that man.’

Yes, the penny dropped. I am that man. Each day I play my keyboard for thousands of people yet rarely does a cent drop into my hat. ‘I do get lots of smiles so it best to be comforted by the statistics’ I thought comfortingly.

This is why, folks, our European Renaissance News platform in its present form – despite being world-class and growing in popularity – is no longer financially sustainable. FACT: White people are as tight as a duck’s ass and that is watertight.

Jews, the butt of many jokes about being tight with their money are likely the most generous on earth when it comes to putting the money where their mouth is.

DONATE TO THE WHITE MAN’S FIGHT: For the sake of God, it’s futile to get sleepy Whites to LIKE a meme, SHARE a story, or FOLLOW Europe Renaissance………..

Indisputably, as a right-wing news media publisher, we can keep the slingshot hurling pebbles at Goliath but regime-compliant media is irritated rather than discouraged. I imagine he is thankful that pebbles aren’t stones or, better still, harmful boulders.

So, I was not wasting my time as I watched an indifferent world go by. You see, while I relaxed and listened I learned a very expensive lesson. I learnt to think twice about feeding strawberries to an insatiable but indifferent donkey.

Sure, the donkey’s tail had twitched occasionally as I fed the uncaring beast hundreds of hot news stories. Then looking despairingly at the uncaring beast, I gave it fewer inspirational stories.

‘This is not a beast with a heart and soul,’ thought I. ‘It is an unfeeling insatiable devourer of anything that comes without effort or price.’

I am not alone: Over the last 55 years, I have seen the sad disappearance of scores of truly inspiring and informative right-wing media disappear through lack of support.

Each month there will be far fewer news stories penned in the futile hope that they would inspire and motivate. They did neither.

Perhaps the increasingly gaunt strawberry-fed donkey will perish. If so, I have little doubt that the unfortunate creature will blame everything and everyone but itself for its increasingly miserable uninspiring existence. – Michael Walsh Editor.

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