Tag: bible

Hey! I Recognize That Man

EDITOR: Yesterday whilst at the seafront I watched and listened to a busker. As I dreamed, he put his heart and soul into playing his melodies: I thought better than many a paid-for concert instrumentalist. Putting years of practice into entertaining idlers and passersby I thought of his […]

Are you too busy to read this?

MICHAEL WALSH WRITER/AUTHOR Satan summoned the world congress of demons. In his opening speech, he said: “We cannot forbid self-improvement.” We can’t stop them from reading and getting wiser. We cannot forbid them from communicating with Ancestral knowledge. FOR MATURE READERS WHO CAN TAKE THE TRUTH As soon […]

Aryan Aristocrats and the Importance of Russia

MICHAEL WALSH SPECIAL: Imagine the spiritual height and the renaissance of a world led not by corrupt pseudo-democrats but by of genuine soul aristocrats? A new world order not for those who consider themselves spiritually superior. For those who are no different in their spiritual qualities from our […]

We are the last hope for white humanity

How is the conscience of Slavs different from the conscience of other peoples? Conscience in the understanding that we, Slavs, exist only with us. In other languages, the word we translate as ‘conscience’ already has quite a different meaning. For example, in English the word consciousness, which we […]