Tag: Churchill


Upon occupying the Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in June 1940, the Soviet Union, then an ally of England, set about rounding up and taking into slavery hundreds of thousands of citizens from these unfortunate formerly independent nations.  Entire villages were dawn raided.   Families, children included, […]


The Winston Churchill you were never told about:  During a BBC Television’s University Challenge session, the quiz programme’s host, Jeremy Paxman, asked, ‘Which statesman during the 1920s found he was in debt because he liked to buy women’s pink silk pantaloons.’ The normally erudite students were stumped for […]

The Incineration of Hamburg: A War Crime so horrific that even the Soviets disassociated themselves from it

‘The entire metropolis of this once-great European city presented a vision of what the inner earth must appear to be. The sounds of the howling winds feeding the flames competed with the deafening crackle of thousands of fires. Explosions filled the air. Tar on the roads changed into liquid form and in ripples moved in whatever direction the incline directed it to do so….’

Allied War, Betrayal and Savagery in South-East Asia

‘A long line of such incidents parades before my mind: the story of our Marines firing on unarmed Japanese survivors who swam ashore on the beach at Midway. The accounts of our machine-gunning prisoners on a Hollandia airstrip; of the Australians pushing captured Japanese soldiers out of transport planes which were taking them south over the New Guinea mountains (the Aussies reported them as committing hara-kiri or ‘resisting’‘).

Forget Victors’ Propaganda. Germany is not the Pit Bull Terrier of Europe

Germany is described by war victors’ propaganda as being a European pit bull terrier. The myth is that Germany is an aggressive territorially ambitious country never happy unless intent on war with her neighbours and bent on world domination. Hence the justification for applying restraints and even today denying occupied Germany its legal constitution and independence.