Tag: fake news

Press Assassination for telling the truth

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS How Media Turned Election Favorite into a Villain for Telling the Truth: ‘The West provoked the Ukraine conflict’ says a major contender for party power in the upcoming British stage-managed election. In fact, the REFORM UK party’s leader simply repeated what everyone […]

Conforming Press Gang goes full throttle on Fake News

FREE CITIZENS NEWS ~ Fake accusations about America’s only surviving journalist unleashing the fury of Washington’s equivalent of the KGB on Tucker Carlon. The broadcaster’s non-existent contract with Russian TV is a pretext for surveillance The American media deliberately planted a falsehood about Tucker Carlson’s collaboration with Russian […]

NYT bans words that accurately describe Israeli Terror

According to an internal New York Times memo the newspaper otherwise known as New York Slimes forbids its staff from using words such as ‘genocide,’ ‘ethnic cleansing’ or ‘occupied territory’ when covering Israel’s terrorizing war in the Zionist Occupied Palestine. As the publication’s journalists themselves admit, the NYT […]


KNOW THE WAYS OF WICKED MEN . You’re not wise enough to understand, The ways of wicked men; You once believed in Santa Claus, You relished Bill and Ben; You never changed, you still believe, What clearly isn’t true, The lies of politicians, The blame must lie with […]

MI6 False Flag Killed Navalny – Video

MIKE WALSH AWARD-WINNING JOURNALISM: The Russians know who killed Alexei Navalny. The Kremin had already responded with a warning shot that sent a British vessel to the bottom of the Red Sea. It is well to remember that Navalny, an undisputed tool of the CIA and MI6, was […]