Tag: Tucker Carlson

Conforming Press Gang goes full throttle on Fake News

FREE CITIZENS NEWS ~ Fake accusations about America’s only surviving journalist unleashing the fury of Washington’s equivalent of the KGB on Tucker Carlon. The broadcaster’s non-existent contract with Russian TV is a pretext for surveillance The American media deliberately planted a falsehood about Tucker Carlson’s collaboration with Russian […]

Who Really Controls Parliaments and Congress

MICHAEL WALSH VETERAN ACTIVIST: Do you ever wonder why politicians brazenly defy their electors’ wishes? If it occurs to you that the decision-making political cult, mainstream media bosses, the top cops and religious leaders are controlled by an invisible hand there is nothing wrong with your reasoning. They […]

The Tucker ~ Putin debate

MICHAEL WALSH POLITICAL ANALYST: “Disappointing! A wet firework…. Stand back, watch and then scratch your head,’ says the veteran journalist in summing up the ‘interview of the century.’ FOR MATURE READERS WHO CAN TAKE THE TRUTH The presentation was certainly no Adolf Hitler ‘Replies to Roosevelt’ spectacular. My […]

Tucker Carlson: Date and time of the interview with Putin

MICHAEL WALSH JOURNALIST: An interview of Russian President Vladimir Putin with American journalist Tucker Carlson will be published on February 9 at 2 a.m. Moscow time (Midnight 8 February GMT) or (18:00 North American Eastern Time) according to the journalist’s announcement. ‘Tucker Carlson interviewed President Vladimir Putin… February […]