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Maoist Revolutionary Who Led Europe with an Iron Fist


………….. and mainstream media never mentions it. You are unlikely to have heard of Lisbon-born José Manuel Durão Barroso.

Yet, this two-term unelected president of the European Union (2004-2015) never faced an election and openly bragged that the European Union is a dictatorship and it is meant to be.

Barroso’s Stalinist European Union regime is not surprising given his rabid Communist past and clenched fist despotism which is never mentioned by controlled Western media.

Barroso was a firebrand leader of the underground Maoist MRPP Communist Party of the Portuguese Workers/Revolutionary Movement of the Portuguese Proletariat).

Headhunted and handpicked by the equally unelected Secretary of U.S. State Henry Kissinger, Barroso was destined to be remotely controlled by the Washington Deep State and Goldman Sachs Banking House.

In his position as Portugal’s Minister of External Affairs, Barroso played a key role in transferring Portugal’s East Asian and African colonies to the Wall Street Banking Dynasties by violent revolution.

Hundreds of thousands of ethnic Portuguese whose African or East Timor family roots went back centuries were slaughtered.

Untold numbers of White Europeans were driven from their homes and businesses during the turmoil which occurred as Britain’s Prime Minister Harald Macmillan – a US citizen did likewise with Britain’s African colonies.

Throughout these periods, Barroso was the American organ grinder’s monkey. Rewarded by his movers and shakers, Barroso was inserted into the influential corridors of the European Union.

After only two months and with no banking experience Barroso was catapulted to a position of senior adviser and chairman of Goldman Sachs International – and became the subject of an ethics inquiry.

In fact, his academic career began as an assistant professor in the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon. However, Barroso did PhD research at Georgetown University and Georgetown’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service in Washington, D.C. Tellingly, his CV does not list any doctoral degree (except honorary).

Never elected by what any of us consider a legitimate ballot box election, Barroso would be installed as Prime Minister of Portugal in 2002. The once Maoist student revolutionary bandit of the rich men’s banquets was again elevated – but not by ballot box democracy. It was yet another dreary soul-destroying refrain from the notorious Soviet Red Flag anthem.

‘The working class can kiss my ass; I’ve got the boss’s job at last.’

In March 2003, Barroso hosted U.S. President George W. Bush, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, and Spanish Prime Minister José María Aznar in the Portuguese island of Terceira, in the Azores.

On Washington’s behalf, Barroso rubber-stamped the illegal invasion of Iraq: The four leaders finalized the illegal US-led 2003 invasion of Iraq. Under Barroso’s leadership, Portugal became part of the ‘coalition of the willing’. On 30 January 2003, Barroso signed the letter of the eight supporting US. policy on Iraq.

Barroso did not finish his term as prime minister. It was an economic disaster anyway. He had been selected (not ballot box elected) as president of the European Commission on 5 July 2004.

The European Union is, of course, a Wall Street – Washington created a monster for the control and subjugation of the Union’s 27 member states.

On 16 September 2009, Barroso was appointed (not elected) by the Washington subservient European Parliament for another five years.

Since he completed his second term, he became only the second Commission president to serve two terms, after Jacques Delors. That Commission’s term of office ran until 31 October 2014.

In 2005, the former Maoist firebrand Barroso spent a champagne week on the yacht of the Greek shipping billionaire Spiro Latsis. It emerged afterwards that this occurred only a month before the Barros-led EU Commission approved 10 million euros of Greek state aid (taxpayers) for Latsis’s shipping company.

Nigel Farage MEP of the UK Independence Party persuaded around 75 MEPs from across the political spectrum to back a motion of no confidence in Barroso, to compel him to appear before the European Parliament to be questioned on the matter.

A fervent opponent of the democratic process, Barroso expressed criticism of national governments arguing ‘Decisions taken by the most democratic institutions in the world are very often wrong.’

In July 2016, Barroso was appointee senior adviser and non-executive chairman and senior adviser of London-based Goldman Sachs International (GSI), the bank’s largest subsidiary.

Barroso was heavily criticized for taking the position only two months after the usual 18-month cooling-off period for EU officials after they leave their posts.

Barroso’s move was especially sensitive because Goldman Sachs played a sinister role in the Financial Crisis of 2007–2009 that nearly broke the euro.

Furthermore, Barroso announced his move to the London-based subsidiary of Goldman Sachs shortly after the Brexit referendum. The European Commission agreed to an unprecedented ethics inquiry into the move.

The so-called self-styled independent panel concluded there were ‘insufficient grounds to establish a violation of the duty of integrity and discretion’ and naively accepted Barroso’s fake assurances that he would not be lobbying on behalf of the bank’s clients.  

Barroso has held several paid and unpaid positions, including International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity, Bilderberg Meetings, and Member of the Steering Committee since 2014).


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