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Geert Wilders’ conservatives surge to top of the polls just days before Dutch election after impressing in televised debate

Despite suffering a hostile and censorious mainstream media a new poll saw Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) enjoy a dramatic rise in support to put it on equal footing with the governing VVD.

Geert Wilders’ Party for Freedom (PVV) has experienced a dramatic rise in popularity among Dutch voters in a matter of days, rising from fourth place to now polling joint top with the governing VVD after an impressive performance in the television debate.

In the most recent survey conducted by pollster MDH, the right-wing populist party strengthened its electoral position by five percentage points to reach 26 percent, on par with the party of outgoing Prime Minister Mark Rutte, now led by Turkish-born Justice Minister Dilan Yeşilgöz-Zegerius.

The increase in support appears to be at the expense of Pieter Omtzigt’s New Social Contract, the centrist party fighting its first national election, whose party’s popularity dropped by the same margin.

‘The past week has seen the biggest changes in polling of this campaign. This directly relates to the fact that Geert Wilders was only involved in a debate on television for the first time on Nov. 12,’ pollster Maurice de Hond explained.

The Dutch mainstream media has been biased concerning the exposure it gives the more establishment parties in the country in comparison to those advocating a conservative, nationalist approach, particularly regarding immigration.

Earlier this week, data published by a diversity watchdog revealed that no politician from Wilders’ PVV or Thierry Baudet’s Forum for Democracy (FvD) has featured on the leading late-night talk show, Op1, since the fall of the Dutch government back in July, while the untouchable mainstream parties seemingly deemed to be more palatable by producers, have been invited on dozens of times during the election period.

The SBS debate this week, of which de Hond says Wilders clearly appeared to be the winner, seems to have drastically shifted the odds in favor of Wilders’ party being a part of the next Dutch government, or at the very least having a considerable influence on the composition of any coalition government.


‘In the penultimate poll, conducted five days before the elections among almost 7,000 respondents, we see this drastic shift: PVV increases by five seats and NSC decreases by five seats. That is a reinforcement of last week’s trend,’ the pollster added.

Dutch voters head to the polls on Nov. 22 to elect a new government after Mark Rutte’s coalition government collapsed primarily over disagreements relating to asylum and immigration policy.

The election falls under a backdrop of an asylum crisis that is rapidly getting out of control, evidenced by new figures from the Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND) this week which revealed that over 42,000 asylum seekers resident in the Netherlands are awaiting a decision on their asylum application, and the average waiting time for applications to be processed has exceeded a year.

It warned that the asylum backlog continues to grow at considerable expense to the Dutch taxpayer, and anticipated the number of new arrivals next year will bring the entire asylum process to breaking point, forecasting between 49,000 and 76,000 new applicants and revealing it only has the capacity to process around 47,000 applications a year. BEAT PRESS CENSORSHIP BY POSTING OUR STORIES ON SOCIAL MEDIA

2 replies »

  1. As a former Dutch citizen, I think it’s a great development that the center-right (FvD) and the right (PVV) FINALLY are at a breakthrough point, after the WEF-puppets of the Left (SP, D66, PVDA, GroenLinks,DENK) and “center-Left” (VVD, CDA, CU) AND the entire Royal family (‼️) have all but destroyed the Dutch culture, agricultural system and demographics. (Note that that is EXACTLY what the WEF is trying to achieve!)
    I escaped the destruction of my country of birth several decades ago, but it still is depressing to see how much damage has been done by 4 terms of Rutte as PM. His actions often have been near-criminal, especially during the Covid-19 debacle.

    I am 100% convinced that the FvD and PVV are TRUE representatives of the Dutch and their culture and their anti-EU stances and the endless hatred from the Zionist-run MSM prove it.
    Wishing you all the best, Wilders and Baudet!

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