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Dr Tess Lawrie: COVID vaccines unsafe for human use

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The following is the text of the open letter written by Dr Tess Lawrie to Dr. June Raine, chief executive of the UK’s Medicines and Health Care Regulatory Agency (MHRA) demanding the halt of the mass rollout of COVID vaccines after discovering a ‘high number of COVID-19 vaccine-attributed deaths and ADRs [adverse drug reactions] that have been reported via the Yellow Card system’. The Yellow Card review includes reports from January 4, 2021, to May 26, 2021.

Dr Lawrie goes on to summarize the findings of their rapid report on ADRs. Here are some of them:

‘Sudden death’ of 438 people following vaccination;

152 fatalities from brain bleeds and clots;

103 fatalities from pulmonary embolism;

and 81 due to cardiac categories;

13,766 bleeding, clotting and ischemic ADRs were identified;

54, 870 ADRs and 171 fatalities due to immune system disorders

Some people who experienced infection ADRs were cases of re-activated latent viruses, including Herpes Zoster or shingles (1,827 ADRs), Herpes Simplex (943 ADRs, 1 fatal), and Rabies (1 fatal ADR).

157,579 people experienced pain after vaccination

185,474 or 21% of all ADRs were categorized as nervous system disorders. A variety of neurological disorders were noted, including paralysis, palsy, Guillain-Barre, multiple sclerosis, neurodegeneration, and seizure, among others.

4,771 people experienced visual impairments including blindness

Dr. Lawrie says that their preliminary review suggests that the ADRs they found were not limited to any one vaccine (all vaccines were causing ADRs).

The open letter goes on to say: ‘The nature and variety of ADRs reported to the Yellow Card System are consistent with the potential pathologies described in this paper and supported by other recent scientific papers on vaccine-induced harms, which are mediated through the vaccine spike protein product. It is now apparent that these products in the bloodstream are toxic to humans. An immediate halt to the vaccination programme is required whilst a full and independent safety analysis is undertaken to investigate the full extent of the harms.’


Editor’s Note: Governments have been said that their implementation of lockdowns, masks, physical distancing, and now, universal vaccination, are precautionary measures to prevent the devastation of societies. It then follows that if governments were truly protecting societies, then they know that the most prudent approach is to suspend all vaccination campaigns.

Governments and their regulatory agencies knew from the beginning that all these vaccines were experimental products. As such, careful collection of data is a must. Now that the data for millions of vaccine recipients is here, and hundreds of thousands of vaccine injuries are appearing, it is time for governments to accept that these vaccines are dangerous and must be stopped [see New study: Vaccines are the likely cause of adverse effects and deaths following vaccination].

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