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Houthis Hypersonic Missiles send US Navy Packing

MICHAEL WALSH REPORT: The USN flagship aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower put the wind in its sails and powered FULL STEAM AHEAD as the luckless skipper got word of the Houthis game-changing boat-buster hypersonic missile arsenal.

Until now, only the US, Russia and India have so far developed hypersonic missiles.

Soon afterwards, the anti-USrael Houthis claimed a successful hypersonic missile attack on an Israeli ship in the Arabian Sea. By then, Israel’s protector’s stern was way over the blue horizon.

Yemen’s Houthis from the Ansar Allah movement attacked the Israeli ship MSC SARAH V in the Arabian Sea with a new hypersonic missile of their own production. This was announced on Wednesday, June 26, by the military representative of the radical organization, Yahya Saria.

‘For the first time, the Yemeni armed forces used a hypersonic missile of their own production against the Israeli vessel MSC SARAH V in the Arabian Sea,’ he noted on the social network X.

According to Saria, the weapon has advanced characteristics and the missile is accurate in its impact, hitting targets at a long distance.

Earlier, on June 1, the UK Maritime Trade Operations Office (UKMTO) under the country’s Royal Navy reported an explosion in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen. According to the department, the explosion was recorded by a ship that was located at a great distance from the scene of the incident.

On the same day, the military spokesman for the Yemeni Houthi rebel movement Ansar Allah, Yahya Saria, reported another strike on the American aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Red Sea, as well as five other attacks.

On May 31, the Houthis announced an attack on the US nuclear-powered aircraft carrier Dwight Eisenhower. Then Saria said that the hit was right on target. The strike used multiple cruise and ballistic missiles.

On May 27, Ansar Allah attacked two US Navy destroyers and two commercial ships, Larego Desert and MSC Mechela, in the Indian Ocean. Another ship, the Minerva Lisa, was attacked in the Red Sea.

The Houthis began striking ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden in November last year to protest Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip.

On the night of January 12, in response to their actions, the United States and Great Britain launched an attack on Houthi targets in Yemen. The White House said the strikes on movement-controlled areas of the country were defensive in nature. It was also claimed at the time that the strikes were carried out to protect international courts.


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