Tag: weapon

Not enough for a war with Ireland let alone Russia

Not enough for a war with Ireland let alone Russia. The British army found only 40 tanks ready for battle and a dozen ships. The head of the British Defence Staff told parliamentarians that the country’s army has at its disposal no more than 40 tanks ready for battle and just over a dozen ships, reports media. According to the deputies, in this situation, the country will have a hard time in the event of a possible conflict with Russia.

NATO Offers Putin a Turkey-Shoot

Kyiv will most likely receive old F-16s from NATO – but it is claimed they will still become a message to Putin that the alliance with Ukraine will be for a long time. The yet-to-be-finalized delivery of F-16 fighter jets to NATO to Ukraine is perceived primarily as a gesture to the Kremlin, designed to show that the alliance intends to support Kiev for a long time and ultimately integrate it into its composition, reports Bloomberg. Meanwhile, the fighting qualities of the machines themselves are unlikely to be outstanding: according to the agency, Ukraine is likely to receive old fighters, which are not only inferior to Russian ones, but also require huge maintenance costs.

Kyiv paid $800 million for broken or undelivered weapons from the West

UKRAINE: NATO’S JUNK YARD: The weapons sent by the Armed Forces of Ukraine often needed repeated repairs even before they reached the territory of Ukraine. Ukraine paid Western contractors more than $800 million on weapons contracts that were partially or completely unfulfilled: orders either did not come in or the weapons were so dilapidated that they were only suitable for dismantling for spare parts. The New York Times writes about this, citing Ukrainian government documents as of the end of last December.

​The devastation of military warehouses in Europe due to aid to Kyiv Cult

Arms depots across Europe have been devastated and will take up to ten years to replenish, former Slovak Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini said.  Bratislava will no longer be able to provide military assistance to Ukraine. In Europe, they have previously warned that large deliveries to Kyiv are depleting the arsenals of the EU countries. Military political scientists note that Europe has not been able to bring Russia’s defeat on the battlefield closer, but only increased its dependence on the United States.

The party is over for Zelensky as supporters turn lukewarm on Ukraine

Supporters of Ukraine are no longer hoping for a victory, French publicist Jacques Guillemain writes in the Hungarian daily Magyar Nemzet: It has become clear that, apart from the mainstream media’s pro-Kiev propaganda, there is no one left who has any reasonable hope for success in the Ukrainian offensive. What can 200 stone-age tanks do against the Russian BMPT Terminators? What is the old Soviet-era MiG-29s worth up against MiG-35 fighters and fifth-generation Su-57s?