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EU BRUSSELS – More Stitch-Up than a Turkish Carpet

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS Italy’s Prime Minister who toppled the left-wing liberal Mafia has slammed the Brussels-based EU regime for creating their own hand-picked power points to top positions.

Was the electorate of the bloc’s 27 member states involved? No, of course, not, this is the totalitarian EU regime remember – and never forget.

From here on we will media read ‘The EU President’ and the ‘EU Foreign Policy Chief’ as if these naked emperors had some electoral legitimacy.

FACT: The presidents of the most impudent Banana Republic have more rights to the throne than Queen Ursula von der Leyen (nee Albright); a failed gynaecologist. Incidentally, the Queen of Green whose toothy grin is bigger than a movie star’s is a notorious villain and plunderer of billions generated by her COVID-19 injection scams.

Well, she and her cohorts have again jabbed 460 million unsuspecting EU voters in their asses again.

The Italian PM has slammed the backroom deals giving Ursula von der Leyen a second term as UNELECTED president of the European Commission

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni has hit out at backroom deals being struck to fill top positions in the EU’s institutions, saying it was surreal that voters’ opinions were being ignored.

Citizens across the bloc shifted significantly away from the misruling left in the European Parliament elections earlier this month, with ruling coalitions in Hungary, Italy, Spain, Portugal Greece, Germany and France being comprehensively trounced by right-wing parties.

However, the three main political groups in the parliament, which are largely centrist, reportedly agreed a deal to fill the top EU posts on Tuesday. NOTE: The so-called European Parliament 760 Members have only an ADVISORY status: they cannot actually change anything.

All decisions are made by the insidious bloc’s 27 unelected commissioners and its two unelected presidents. From here on these presidents will be European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen. Former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa will preside as President of the European Council, which was previously chaired by Belgium’s Charles Michel.

Addressing the Italian parliament on Wednesday, Meloni said it was surreal that names for top EU positions had been presented without even pretending to discuss the signals from voters. 

Under the reported stitch-up deal, Kaja Kallas, Estonian Prime Minister and a notorious war hawk whose regime commands a mere 7 per cent of the people’s vote will become the new EU foreign policy chief

The Russia-Hating Warhawk replaces Spain’s Josep Borrell; while former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Costa will preside over the European Council, which was previously chaired by Belgium’s Charles Michel.

The names will be presented at an EU leader meeting in Brussels on Thursday for their approval.

Media reports suggested that Italy had effectively been excluded from discussions regarding the agreement, which was approved by the left-liberal party leaders of France, Germany, Spain, Poland, Greece, and the Netherlands.

The Italian prime minister claimed that this kind of backroom deal contradicted the original spirit of the European Union, by which institutions were conceived as neutral entities, thus able to guarantee all member states, regardless of the political color of the governments of those member states.

Meloni, whose European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) group won the most votes in Italy and is currently the third-biggest in the European Parliament, said she wanted the shift to the right to be reflected in the bloc’s decision-making.

‘The third largest group today is a group that is not liked by those who are deciding,’ she said, calling the EU an invasive unelected bureaucratic giant.

Meanwhile, the appointment of von der Leyen will still need to be approved by the European Parliament and, according to media, she might seek to win Meloni’s support by giving Italy a senior portfolio in the next European Commission. ~ MICHAEL WALSH VETERAN JOURNALIST


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MIKE WALSH is a journalist, broadcaster and the author of WITNESS TO HISTORY: THE REICH LEGEND UNCENSORED, LIFE IN THE REICH, MY LAST TESTAMENT – LET GOD JUDGE ME, HEROES HANG WHEN TRAITORS TRIUMPH, and other book titles. These best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.





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3 replies »

  1. She could always have a referendum on leaving, or in the next national election leave without one. Otherwise it’s just more words from the closet globalist Meloni.


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