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Portugal election: Humiliated Left-Wing Parties shown the door

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The anti-migrant right has swept to power in Sunday’s General Election in Portugal. The results could mean the first government backed by the far right for 50 years

With almost all the votes counted in the Portuguese general election, the mainstream conservatives were ahead of the Labour-type Socialists. There has been a surge for the anti-globalist right CHEGA (Enough) and a cataclysmic fall in the left vote. A massive two fingers to the EU Brussels cult of pro-migrant globalists in alliance with the American Democratic Party.

The right-wing Democratic Alliance (AD), dominated by the conservative Social Democratic Party (PSD), was 29.5 percent of the vote and conceded defeat.


The PSD had formed the previous government and ruled since November 2015. PS prime minister Antonio Costa resigned four months ago when police launched a probe into corruption.

CHEGA was on 20 per cent—more than twice the vote it took in 2022 and 15 times its haul in 2019. CHEGA has shifted some of its views to win votes but remains a powerful anti-globalist force which is hostile to immigration.

Party leader, André Ventura is a former councillor for the conservative PSD and one-time trainee priest. He made his name on national television commenting on football and has made government corruption and virulent anti-migrant views the focus of his social media campaigns. CHEGA also says gender equality has gone too far.

First elected to parliament in 2019, he once demanded chemical castration for some offenders. He now poses as a champion of police officers demonstrating for better pay. He once pushed for near-total privatisation of education and health. Now he is for much less fundamental change and promised higher pensions.

Ventura told his supporters, ‘This is the night that two-party rule ended in Portugal, CEGA has surpassed one million votes in Portugal.’

But to rule in parliament, AD will need alliances and that might mean embracing the far right and its supra-nationalist policies. This could mean the first government backed by the far right for 50 years. The 1974 revolution in Portugal drove out the corporate fascist government of Antonio Salazar and his successor Marcelo Caetano.

The results of the Portuguese elections underline the nationalist right advance across much of Europe. The PS socialist vote has slumped from 41 percent in 2022 to 29 percent this time. The BE is on 4.4 percent, the same as in 2022, and the Communist Party’s alliance was down by 1 percent to just 3 percent.

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