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UK named and shamed as the world’s second worst shithole ~ VIDEO

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UK ranked second-most miserable country in the world. For those who say, ’ If Britain is so bad why does the world want to live here, it’s because Westminster lures Third World anti-Christian migrants with the promise that for them the pavements of Britain are paved with gold and it is one of the things that pisses Britons off.

The average Briton is less happy than someone from Yemen or war-ravaged Ukraine, a new survey has found. The UK has been named the second-most unhappy country in the world in a survey conducted by Sapien Labs, a neuroscience foundation. According to the survey, Britons’ mental health has plunged with no sign of recovery.

Published last week, Sapien Labs’ fourth annual Mental State of the World report assessed the mental well-being of 419,175 Internet-enabled participants across 71 countries.

The results painted a grim picture of the English-speaking world. Out of 71 countries surveyed, the Anglophone nations of the UK, Ireland, Australia and New Zealand sit in the bottom quartile, with residents of the UK happier only than those of Uzbekistan.

The survey ranks the UK eight places behind Yemen and 12 places behind Ukraine in terms of its population’s overall mental health. Some 35% of Britons told Sapine Labs that they were either distressed or struggling, a figure down by only 0.7% since last year, when Britain came in last place in the rankings.

To determine each nation’s overall mental health, the foundation asked individuals 47 questions about their mood and outlook, social self, drive and motivation, and adaptability and resilience, among other categories. While Sapien Labs noted that answers to these questions are inherently subjective, other reports have come to similar conclusions.

Amid a historic decline in living standards, the UK’s Office of National Statistics found in November that Britons experienced a drop in happiness and personal satisfaction in the year ending last March. According to a report published in The Lancet medical journal last month, some 1.8 million people in the UK are currently awaiting mental health treatment.

Sapien Labs noted that levels of mental well-being across the English-speaking world plummeted during the coronavirus pandemic, and that this decline ’continues to persist with no sign of recovery.’ 

Furthermore, the report found that mental well-being was lower in countries where processed food was commonly eaten, children were given smartphones at a younger age, and relations between family members were more distant. Wealthy, English-speaking countries scored least favorably across all of these three metrics.

The Dominican Republic topped the list as the world’s happiest country, followed by Sri Lanka in second place and Tanzania in third. All of the top ten countries were African, Asian, or Latin American nations. ‘This pattern suggests that greater wealth and economic development do not necessarily lead to greater mental well-being,’ Sapien Labs wrote in the report. You can share this story on social media:

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1 reply »

  1. Thanks to the fucking jews, all the western world are made of totalitarian shitholes, it’s not only the UK, Germany still under US occupation where this week 45 men were arrested by the stasi because they dared to say what they think online. France, the biggest jewish whore government in the world with Canada and Germany where laws are made to jail the French and to satisfy the tiny jewish minority that controls all media and politicians, Canada where klaus schwab personal bitch trudeau now pushes “laws” to jail people who could have a ‘hate’ profile before any crime is committed just because he says so.

    None of this would have been possible with the criminal complicity of the local populations for decades.

    The Brits, like the krauts and the frogs deserve what the get and worse.
    Only when they will have suffered like their ancestors used to, will they start to take down the vermin who oppress them on behalf of their jew pimps.

    Liked by 2 people

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