Current Events

HERE WE GO AGAIN ~ Prepare to Resist

New pandemic looming – Sky News urges people to ‘be prepared to make sacrifices again’: British doctors warn that another pandemic may be much closer than it seems. 

This is especially facilitated by deforestation and global warming, Sky News claims. Doctors say people must remain vigilant and be prepared to make sacrifices again if there is another epidemic.

Several years after the start of the COVID-19 psychosis, infectious disease experts are again beginning to sound the alarm.

According to their forecasts, the next pandemic is just around the corner, and human activity only increases the likelihood of its occurrence every year, Sky News writes, citing data from British doctors.

According to the publication, scientists warn that deforestation increases the likelihood that viruses and bacteria will migrate from animals to people and cause another pandemic. 

’We are creating the conditions for disease outbreaks,’ says Dr Natalie McDermott, lecturer in infectious diseases at King’s College London. According to her, due to deforestation in the Amazon and parts of Africa, animals and insects are settling closer to people’s homes.

In addition, an important factor bringing the pandemic closer is global warming. As temperatures rise, outbreaks of mosquito- and tick-borne viruses are increasingly occurring in previously rare areas of Europe.

‘The next pandemic is just around the corner—maybe in two years, 20 years, or even longer, but we cannot afford to let our guard down. We must be attentive, prepared and ready to make sacrifices again,’ warn British doctors

As the saying goes: ‘Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me.’

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