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Ukraine a Corrupt Shithole – ex-Boris Johnson Adviser ~ VIDEO

SAY NO TO WORLD WAR III ~ Backing Kyiv pushed Russia and China into an alliance, Dominic Cummings has said.

The UK and its allies got tricked into backing a corrupt mafia state in Ukraine and getting into a war of attrition against a Moscow-Beijing partnership, Dominic Cummings has said in an interview.

The influential longtime Tory political strategist led the Vote Leave campaign for Brexit and was one of the key aides to then-PM Boris Johnson until resigning in November 2020.

‘We should have never got into the whole stupid situation,’ Cummings told the outlet I News, commenting on London’s full-throated support for Kyiv. He also described Ukraine as a ‘corrupt shithole that doesn’t matter at all.’

‘This is not a replay of 1940 with the pumpkin [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky as the Churchillian underdog,’ he added. ’This whole Ukrainian corrupt mafia state has basically conned us all and we’re all going to get fucked as a consequence.’

Western sanctions have been more of a disaster for the EU than for Russia, driving up the cost of living while pushing Moscow and Beijing closer together.

All the West managed to do is get into a war of attrition with Russia, who we pushed into an alliance with the world’s biggest manufacturing power.

Cummings also addressed the argument that Russian President Vladimir Putin needed to be taught a lesson about invading neighbors.

The lesson we’ve taught Putin is that we’re a bunch of total fucking jokers,’ he said. ‘I mean, Putin already knew that before the war. But this has emphasized it and broadcast it to the entire world, what a bunch of clowns we are,’ he added.

Between the sanctions regime and the US trying to seize frozen Russian assets, the West is encouraging the emergence of alternative global financial systems, he explained.

Cummings slammed Johnson, with whom he is no longer on speaking terms, for using the Ukraine conflict for acting out his Churchillian fantasies, as well as the Parliament, which swallowed all of his total bullshit on Ukraine and actually took it seriously.’

Johnson was the key figure in getting Kyiv to reject a peace deal with Russia in April 2022, according to the top Ukrainian negotiator, as well as Ukrainian media.

The former PM denied his role in scuttling the talks, calling the account total nonsense and Russian propaganda. However, he confirmed that he told Zelensky the UK would back him a thousand per cent and that any deal with Moscow would be bad.

EUROPE RENAISSANCE each month receives just $200 in donations. A contributor is the editor, a pensioner who works for $1 an hour. His books are published by pirates who don’t pay him a cent. There is nothing he can do about it – and they know it. This is why the worthless right won’t get anywhere. Michael Walsh

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