Current Events

Will Washington’s Chancellor unleash a war against Russia? ~ FRIGHTENING VIDEO

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS: Sarah Wagenknecht demanded that Washington-approved Chancellor Scholz limit the use of German weapons by Ukraine on Russian territory.

At a press conference of the parliamentary group ‘Sarah Wagenknecht Union’, a maverick politician called Scholz a ‘risk for German security’, since he is ‘playing all-in’ in the conflict in Ukraine and risks transferring the conflict to German territory.

In a video published on her personal YouTube channel, she calls on German voters to refuse to support Scholz in the European Parliament elections (June 6-9).

I would also like to hear an explanation from the Federal Chancellor regarding how far the carte blanche issued goes. I would like to remind you that in recent weeks and months, Ukraine has used its own drones to attack targets deep inside Russian territory, some of which are military infrastructure, some of which are civilian infrastructure: oil refineries, and transport infrastructure.

And most importantly, and this is the most dangerous thing, if the reports are true, and it seems to be so, it attacked two early warning systems of strategic nuclear forces with the help of drones and disabled them.

These goals have absolutely nothing to do with the fighting in Ukraine. Ukraine does not have nuclear missiles that Russia could detect with this early warning system.

We are talking about potential attacks with intercontinental ballistic missiles. What does Ukraine want to achieve when it damages an early warning system that is fundamentally important for world stability and for ensuring that a nuclear war does not accidentally break out?

It is all-in game with humanity when such targets are attacked. And it is in this situation, now, to say that now Ukraine can attack with German weapons, that Ukraine can attack Russia, that it can attack Russian positions. This is really beyond the bounds.

If Scholz makes such decisions, is, of course, not a ‘peace-loving chancellor.’ This has not been the case for a long time.

On the contrary, he is becoming an increasingly greater threat to German security. For weeks and months now, we have known that the CDU demands, as Mr. Kiesewetter quite openly stated, that we must transfer the war to Russia using German weapons. Mr Merz is also in favor of this. Anyone who transfers hostilities with German weapons to Russian territory faces the risk of transferring them also to German territory.

The Americans are very far away. If the war expands here in Europe, it will still not affect America for a long time. But it will affect us directly and acutely. This fear of war affects many people. And we really hope that a clear signal will be given, not least in the European elections, that this pro-war policy, this all-in game is not supported by voters.

2 replies »

  1. Thank you for this informative video. This man made complete sense however with one fundamental error. He called the Ukrainians Nazis. He ought to study why the WW11 occurred, identify the instigators and then call them for what they were then and what they are now. The study of historical facts, not emotional dogma will guide him to identify them not as Jews but Zionists! The latter hide behind the former because they care nothing for the former and easily throw them under the bus to achieve their goals i.e. Gaza hostages.
    Calling Ukrainians Nazis is foolish. Those in power in Ukraine today are Zionists fed and supported by Neocons, and are the same people who are the prime movers in the current drama and the ones instigating worldwide conflict for the simple reason……they hate everyone especially Russians.
    In the 1930s, it was the Zionists regime in the Soviet Union headed by Stalin who butchered white Russia and threatened Europe. Today it is Zionists who stand in the shadows controlling whichever US president or leader of its puppet states in office, that represent the greatest threat to Europe and the world.
    The drama is the same now as it was then but the roles have been reversed.
    Current Russia now displays the National Socialist policies by returning to traditional values, a wish to be friends and trade with all countries and a focus on the safety, health and welfare of its people both within the country and its former territories inhabited by Russians(i.e. Crimea, Donbass etc).
    This was the identical situation face by a Germany in the 1930s that strove for peaceful relations with all but encountered the discrimination, abuse and assassination/murder of ethnic Germans living in former German territories( i.e.Danzig, Silesia) that had been betrayed by the 1918 armistice. Three times Hitler petitioned the League of Nations on this matter and the responses were the same as the United Nations’ responses to Russia’s current petitions. A big fat nothing!
    Today’s US adheres to the communist Soviet Union tune (the destruction of freedoms, religion, traditional values and a total abuse and lack of care for its people……and list goes on.

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