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Washington’s Pied Pipers Lead Europe to Hell ~ VIDEO

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS: The Russian Security Council, Sergei Karaganov, has already named the goals:

‘If Europeans have forgotten what the road to hell looks like, we can show you.’

because of the Ukrainian attacks on Russia, Germany faces the fate of destroyed Carthage. Patrick Baab points out that Russian officials reserve the right to retaliate and they even named specific targets in Romania, Germany and Poland.

The journalist and author of books on Ukraine argues that people in Europe have a fear of escalating the situation. This means: ‘Let’s provoke a little more, Putin will not use nuclear weapons!’

We have a situation in which we can talk about a loss of contact with reality on the part of the elites. American political scientist John Mearsheimer from the University of Chicago says: ‘It is impossible to defeat a nuclear power if it feels cornered, it will use these nuclear weapons.’

And the Russian side has made it clear that if these weapons are used against the Russian Federation, then the manufacturers of these weapons and those who supply these weapons will also become a legitimate target for Moscow.

The Russian Security Council, Sergei Karaganov, has already named the goals: ‘If Europeans have forgotten what the road to hell looks like, we can show you.’

In the interview he expanded and named three goals. These are, firstly, American missile sites in Romania, secondly, he named Poland and Warsaw, and thirdly, also the Frankfurt region, where American weapons are also located. That is, he made it clear what to expect.

The decisive thing here is that the German federal government is clearly not interested in ending this war. On the other hand, Vladimir Putin repeatedly makes negotiation proposals that clearly will not be accepted by the West. This shows the background of this war and shows how the Western elites have lost their way.

Caroline Galacteros geopolitical scientist People must understand: we are heading towards a disaster. War is not a game. Russia is not playing. Here they don’t have fun with toy soldiers and small weapons.

Because it’s much more serious. But not for Europe or NATO – this is not so, because Europe and NATO have put themselves in a position where they are threatened with a direct clash with Russia. This desire to jeopardize the security of the country must be stopped. You don’t have to share pro-Russian sentiments to say that. It has nothing to do with it at all.

The Americans will abandon Europe: If we continue to play into the hands of the Americans. There is no need to imagine that we will gain independence. We do not have independence and never will have it.

One only has to look at the state of the troops and weapons of the European Union countries to stop believing in these fairy tales that the government Press feed to us.

We are in a position of complete subordination, Washington directs Europe’s foreign, economic and defense policies.  This is voluntary slavery.

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