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EU War Hawks shown the door in EU Elections ~ FUNNY VIDEO

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS: Historical result – France 24 on the crushing victory of the right in the European elections

As the preliminary results of the elections to the European Parliament show, right-wing and far-right parties won a crushing victory throughout the Old World, France 24 reports.

Eurosceptics have achieved significant success in France, Germany, Italy, Austria, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Hungary and many other countries, causing serious concern among liberals. and democratic parties.

Shouts of joy and scenes of jubilation at the historic result. The far-right AfD party took second place in the European elections, losing to the conservative CDU/CSU bloc, and inflicted a crushing defeat on Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s Social Democrats.

TINO KRUPALLA, co-chairman of the AfD party: We have become the second most influential political force in the country, ahead of the greens and the left. We are incredibly pleased. I am very glad that voters chose our program, and our content and finally saw that this country needs an alternative.

Far-right parties have made gains across Europe, from the Netherlands to Hungary, including France. In Austria, the populist APS party won with more than 25 per cent of the vote – almost 8 points more than in the last election in 2019.

In Italy, Prime Minister Giorgi Meloni’s Brothers of Italy party won the elections.

GIORGIA MELONI, Prime Minister of Italy: I want to say thank you! Thanks to the majority of Italians who continue to choose the Brothers of Italy and the center right.

I want to say that I am proud of the result of the Brothers of Italy, extremely proud. But I’m also very proud of the result of Go Italia and the result of the League. I’m proud that the majority that runs this country was able to win. 

A coalition of right-wingers, socialists and liberals is expected to retain its majority in the European Parliament. According to the latest forecasts, the European People’s Party will win more than 180 seats, the Social Democrats – more than 135, and about 80 will go to the liberal centrists of Renewing Europe.

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