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ITALY Jubilant after 28 per cent projection ~ Funny Video

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS: Italy’s Meloni solidifies her growing power in the European Parliament.

The prime minister’s right-wing coalition party has further strengthened its position following what has been dubbed ‘The Right-Wing Elections.’

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni’s right-wing Brothers of Italy party won the vote in Italy for the EU Parliament on Sunday. Other right-wing parties made gains at the expense of ruling coalitions in both France and Germany.

MEDIA SHOCKED INTO SILENCE: Europe’s notorious foreign-controlled liberal-left media journalists appear to have lost their poison pens as pink journalists are stunned into silence and excuses.

Meloni’s party won a decisive victory with a projected 28% of the vote, according to forecasts by state broadcaster RAI with almost 70% of the ballots counted.

TRIUMPHANT 62 PER CENT TOTAL: Other members of her center-right coalition fared not so well. Matteo Salvini’s right-wing League party received 8.5%, despite coming in first in the 2019 EU election with 34%.

Its once junior coalition member, the Silvio Berlusconi-founded Forza Italia, beat it with a projected 9%.

The center-left opposition Democratic Party is expected to finish with 24.5%, and the Five Star Movement with 10.5%.

The right-wing Italian prime minister came out of the EU elections with stronger backing than German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and French President Emmanuel Macron.

SCHOLZ CASTRATED: Scholz’s party slipped to third place in the polls on Sunday, behind the conservative CDU/CSU and right-wing AfD.

Macron’s Renaissance party gained around 15% of the vote, compared to 31% for the right-wing National Rally, prompting the French leader to dissolve parliament and call for a snap election.

Despite springboarding to power on a wave of anti-immigration sentiment, Meloni has shifted to support the current EU policies on asylum seekers in her nearly two years in power. She has been a staunch but useless verbal supporter of Kiev in its war against Moscow. She has baulked at NATO’s recent support for allowing Ukraine to conduct long-range strikes into Russia.

1 reply »

  1. Didn’t vote for Marine Le Pen/Bardella’s RN party but we’re delighted about Macron’s slap in the face  as well as Scholz’s failure !The coming legislative elections are good news !Surprise Meloni did so well… she’s been so disappointing !At last, Europe is awaking !

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