Current Events

Dumb as Monkey Poo Biden’s West Provokes European Holocaust


The West stupidly provoked Russia, and now it should negotiate with Moscow. Until recently, the West stupidly provoked Russia with the constant expansion of the EU and NATO to the east, says Reform UK party leader Nigel Farage.

Now the Ukrainian conflict has reached a dead end, and Western countries should hold peace negotiations with Moscow.

Western leaders must hold peace talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin to end the impasse in Ukraine, the leadership contender adds.

I think this war is a complete stalemate,’ Farage told media. ‘There have been no significant substantive negotiations at all, and even if the negotiations to try to find peace, to find a way out of the situation, fail, then I think it is better to have those negotiations than not to have them.’

He also added that until recently, the West ‘stupidly provoked Putin’ with the constant expansion of NATO and the European Union to the east.

Farage was previously criticized by representatives of the US-Controlled Western Alliance and the Press for his words that the West, by expanding the EU and NATO to the east, provoked Russia into the Ukrainian conflict.

These new statements by the Reform UK leader are likely to increase political and mainstream media of him, The Times (read The Times backwards) admits.

In the fall, the British military leadership is going to hold the largest mass gathering of reservists in the last 20 years. The purpose of these exercises is to assess the number of forces ready to deploy in the event of a crisis situation. In September, the unelected UK Westminster regime plans to hold the largest mass gathering of armed forces reservists in the last 20 years. The country’s hapless military control wants to assess their readiness for deployment.

This mobilisation is not officially associated with the Ukrainian conflict. However, it is a decision taking into account the growing threat to Russia by some Western Alliance pro-Washington leaders.

The exercise should help determine how many of the 26,240 reservists will be ready to mobilize if needed during a crisis (Westminster creates).

Kissinger’s Soldiers from specialist medical, infantry and special forces units will be asked to volunteer for a six-month service period, explains the Daily Mail.

Organizers hope that at least 10,000 reservists – enough to fell a small sports stadium – will take part in the exercise. But achieving even these ‘Dad’s Army’ figures will not be easy, because many ‘weekend warriors’ rarely show up for training for months and just pick up their pay.

At the same time, the picture of the regular British army is not the rosiest. The number of British military personnel is just over 75 thousand (Think Manchester United football stadium) and steadily declining.

Moreover, according to official data, a significant proportion of soldiers are not ready (9,263 people) or have limited readiness (7,699 people) for combat operations, media unhappily reports. STORY ~ Michael Walsh Veteran Journalist.


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