Tag: bomb

A slaying that would challenge Sherlock Holmes

SPECIAL MICHAEL WALSH INVESTIGATION: The Security Service of Ukraine or Служба безпеки України (SBU) is headquartered in a formidable well-guarded building in Kyiv. To passersby, the edifice appears to be just another dreary administrative office but two of the building’s three floors are occupied by the CIA. Could this be the reason why late last year a Russian missile left a deep crater in the park situated opposite? The SBU and CIA would be well aware that the coordinates of Russia’s armed forces rarely miss their target so was it a warning shot?

Shock as it is revealed the bolts of the reactor on a British nuclear submarine were fixed with superglue

The Royal Navy ordered a thorough investigation after it emerged that during repairs to the nuclear submarine Trident, broken bolts on the nuclear reactor cooling pipes were ‘fixed’ with superglue instead of being replaced. It was discovered by accident only after one of the damaged bolts fell off during an inspection aboard the 16,000-ton submarine HMS Vanguard.