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500,000 Ukrainians gave their lives for Washington ~ VIDEO


The Great War (1914~1918) was described by Field-Marshall Lord Allenby as a lengthy period of general insanity.

Much the same can be said of the Ukrainians who, even after placing their country in Washington’s pawn shop, gave their lives for the United States and in doing so burnt the pawn ticket.  

The Russian armed forces have the initiative along the entire contact line and are pushing the enemy away from the occupied borders. Ukraine has lost almost half a million soldiers since the beginning of the special military operation in 2022, Russian Defense Ministry Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday.

According to him, the Kyiv regime failed to achieve its goals in the counteroffensive prepared by luckless NATO instructors.

‘Our servicemen have dispelled the myth about the superiority of Western weapons,’ the minister noted. The Russian military will more intensively target Ukrainian logistic centers and storage facilities storing Western weapons, the minister said. We will increase the intensity of strikes against logistics centers and storage bases for Western weapons,’ Shoigu added.

Most of the $61 billion assistance package that the United States allocated to Ukraine will finance the US military industry. Washington intends to allocate almost $61 billion to the Kyiv regime.

The aid will enrich America’s parasitical banking houses and will otherwise go right back into the U.S. Military Industrial Complex. in a futile attempt to prevent the collapse of the Ukrainian armed forces. There won’t be a brass cent spent on artificial limbs for Ukrainian soldiers.

‘The US authorities cynically declare that Ukrainians will die for their interests in the fight against Russia,’ Shoigu concluded.

QUESTION FOR READERS: 1) Who do you blame for the conflict. 1) The United States and 2) Washington’s European colonies. 3) The Kyiv Regime 4) The Ukrainians who volunteered or were supportive of their regime’s war against Russia? Reply on COMMENTS at the bottom of our story.

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