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FREE CITIZENS NEWS ~ Assassination and attempted elimination of political figures in Europe are thankfully rare. The gunning down of Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico in mid-May was the first in over 20 years.

Still in critical condition after receiving five bullet wounds, Fico, the third-time prime minister of the pivotal Central European nation is an extraordinary political leader.  

Like his closest ally, Hungarian Prime Minister Victor Orbán, Fico meets the requirements of a statesman. Regarding intellectual pragmatism, Fico is streets ahead of French President Emmanuel Macron and Germany’s Prime Minister Olaf Scholz.

In the European Union size is less important than clout. The EU’s growing division fuels a small but growing pro-Russian caucus of euro-skeptic member states seeking sovereignty.

Given the benefit of hindsight, the attempted assassination of Fico may be viewed as an elimination attempt not on a political leader as on the European Union itself.

The EU elections take place June 7-9. Looking over its shoulder Kyiv sees the Grim Reaper. The gunning down of Fico could prove to be a catalyst as calamitous as the assassination of the heir to the Hapsburg Empire Archduke Franze Ferdinand in Sarajevo on June 28, 1914. His murder ignited World War I (1914-1918).

The Press Gang dismisses the attempted slaying of Fico by 71-year-old Juraj Cintula as the work of a ‘weird and lonely maverick.’

This is not the case. Cintula rarely if ever missed any pro-Kiev protest. When initially questioned and later in court on May 18, the accused openly boasted that he did it for political reasons.

Given the assailant’s long-term political activities and affiliations Juraj Cintula’s staunchly pro-Kiev sentiments must be a source of close interest.

National intelligence agencies like the CIA and Ukraine’s SBU (Formerly KGB) are skilled at mentoring and channeling the psychosis of useful dissidents. Only the guilty fear an in-depth investigation of the slime trail leading to the attempted assassination of the Slovakian statesman.

In an earlier quickly dropped case, the eavesdropping of a telephone conversation between top German generals revealed a clandestine proposal to attack Russian territory.

The Press Gang again airily dismiss the assassination attempt on Fico as a matter of little significance. The general approach was, “Well he had it coming for being a Putin apologist.”

British broadcaster Sky News drew criticism for suggesting that the attempted assassination of Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was to be expected, given the politician’s “controversial views and pro-Russian stance.”

Norwegian author and political scientist Gless Diesen: “The media becomes viler every day in their mission to fuel war enthusiasm and smear anyone calling for a return to diplomacy and negotiations.”

Particularly inconvenient is Fico reminding his EU partners that Ukraine is neither a member of the EU nor NATO, so neither bloc is obligated to support Ukraine.

Another in the sights of the toxic pro-war lobby is Victor Orbán. Hungary’s head of state. Orbán is arguably the most popular leader in the bloc’s 27 nations. Leading the assault on the bloc he vows to occupy Brussels. On several issues, he is a persistent thorn in the side of pro-Washington Brussels.

Like Fico, Orbán has a penchant for engaging with members of the public. Thus, the Hungarian prime minister is an easy target to take out.

As Fico hovers between life and death, Orbán says “The assassination attempt is a strong blow to Hungary.”

He doubted that his ally would be able to throw his considerable weight into the critical period running up to the imminent elections that will hopefully drain the globalist swamp in Strasburg’s European Parliament.

It seems an opportune moment to remember that the éminence grise of the European Union is Washington’s pervasive Foreign Policy.

Dubbed the assassin-nation the United States has a long record of inspiring the termination of any whose deaths would be in harmony with Washington’s foreign policy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is on record as saying that “95% of the world’s terrorist attacks are made by the CIA.”

There was a real possibility that the CIA was involved in the assassination of Russian radical Boris Nemtsov in Moscow on February 27, 2015. Later, the Russians promised a full investigation of Alexei Navalny’s mysterious death in a Siberian prison on February 16, 2024.

So far, the investigators are staying tight-lipped. This is not to say they haven’t drawn conclusions. Cui Bono, the only beneficiary in these and many similar political murders was the Deep State working hand in glove with the CIA.

The United States has a far worse record of assassination than any other country including modern Russia. Between 1970 and 2013 there have been 758 assassinations worldwide of which.  Of these, only 8% occurred in modern Russia. Indeed, the U.S. easily tops the ‘Assassination of Political Inconveniences’ League.’

One therefore supposes that the enquiry into the attempted assassination of Robert Fico might work on the premise of Cui Bono (who benefits). It will pay little regard to the ‘lone misfit acting on his own’ thesis obediently parroted by the increasingly unconventional Western media.

EUROPE RENAISSANCE each month receives a little over €100 in donations. Its pensioner editor works for less than $1 an hour ~ his books are pirated. I can no longer cope with apathy and a freeloading White Right refusing support. If we disappear it is because the spirit of activism and giving is a thing of the past. Michael Walsh

1 reply »

  1. Not in the loop regarding the intelligence agencies in Slovakia ,but it would seem to me that an investigation on the shooter’s connections,phone messages etc. could,would provide very useful information ,proving or disproving ties with political circles in Slovakia and surrounding nations.Especially the Kiev Banderists.

    Hopefully in the works.

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