Current Events

Migrant Crime Fuels Right-Wing Surge ~ VIDEO


EUROPE’s TOXIC LIBERAL LEFT are often too stupid for words. Their closed minds reasoned that luring migrants to Europe would pay off at the ballot box. Impudently, they used the overtaxed workers’ pilfered earnings to buy the off-white vote.

Prang! The migrants didn’t vote for the degenerate liberal left but their presence did galvanize the pissed-off ignored electorate to finally realize that the Far-Right is Right-by-Far. The silent majority aided by successful social media campaigns (thank you) voted for Europe’s surging anti-migrant euro-sceptic parties. The cry was, ‘We want our Countries Back

As the European electorate considers which candidate to choose in the run-up to the European Union elections taking place 6-9 June a torpor has descended on the ballot boxes. Even local elections are normally obvious from each party’s self-promoting posters adorning street furniture.

However, the ongoing and relentless migrant crime wave promises to put a hot iron on the electorate’s backside. An incensed and ignored electorate might well derail the pro-migrant liberal autocracy.

Otherwise, there appears to be little interest in the EU elections in which 450 million European voters will decide who sits in the Strasbourg parliament. Elections? What elections?

Such media comments focus on two issues: Firstly, the likely success of candidates representing the conservative to far-right parties.

Secondly, perhaps motivated by the sentiment ‘divide and conquer’ gambit, media coverage refers to the split in the ranks of the bloc’s conservative right parties.

In France, Marine le Pen’s National Rally party has put blue water between itself and the equally popular Alternative for Germany (AfD) party. The falling-out is on account of what the French Party calls statements from AfD candidates who whitewash the German Reich (1933-1945).

The politically mature broad left ignores or settles their differences. This results in their progress to powerful positions. On the other hand, minor differences in right-wing party politics are the scourge of conservative unity which is electorally demotivating.

Another cause of ballot box boredom is the unelected status of the bloc’s two presidents and 27-member governing body. Finally, the politically impotent 750-member EU parliament is purely advisory.

As in the former Soviet Bloc, the people entitled to vote for Europe’s liberal oligarchies are plagued by a sense of exclusion from participation in the affairs of state. The voters have every right to feel politically emasculated and likely shrug with indifference at any talk of elections.

Right-wing parties bicker and nit-pick over vote-luring statements made to the electorate by sparring conservative candidates.

The bone of contention dividing the conservative caucus is ‘controversial’ statements and court appearances by leading candidates of Germany’s surging anti-migrant AfD party.

Former history teacher Björn Höcke is perhaps the best-known personality of the Alternative for Germany party. He was recently fined $14,100 for ending a rally with the expression ‘Alles fur Deutschland’ (All is for Germany). This was deemed to be ‘Nazi terminology.’

This month, Höcke must appear in yet another court charged with repeating the remark at a subsequent rally.

The ultra-conservative Identity and Democracy group in the EU parliament recently expelled the AfD party on account of another off-the-cuff remark made by the German party’s right-wing candidate.

During an interview with an Italian newspaper, AfD candidate Maximilian Krah was asked if his demand that Germans take pride in their forebears would include members of the German Waffen SS. Krah replied saying that ‘not all Waffen SS were criminals.’

This is undoubtedly true but stating the truth is an affliction that even Europe’s ultra-sensitive right consider intolerable.

Disconcertedly, in Germany itself, such socially awkward comments about the past and the present reality relating to the government-sponsored migrant invasion have not proved to be a vote loser.

On the contrary, the AfD’s candid reflection of grassroots anti-migrant sentiment proves to be a vote winner. This leads one to ponder: is pragmatic reassessment (revisionism) of recent history finally out of the closet after 70 years of exile?

For example, a German politician was fined $6,000 for publicly and truthfully stating that most rapes in Germany are committed by migrants, Afghan males in particular.

Roland Schlieve, an AfD candidate was denounced for saying that jobs could not be given to North Africans because they had a low IQ.

Perplexingly, the best recruiting sergeant for European conservatism appears to be the migrants themselves. Not an hour passes without the social media grapevine posting lurid details of gut-wrenching crimes being committed daily by non-European migrants.

Was Germany’s electorate horrified by the candidate’s throwaway remark? No. Schliewe was re-elected to Sonneberg’s council on Sunday. The AfD won 26% of the vote across the state of Thuringia, up eight points from 2019.

In neighboring Hildburghausen, a man who sells merchandise featuring National Socialist and Ku Klux Klan motifs won 25% of the vote. He is now in a run-off to become the influential district administrator.

For decades such outcomes were unthinkable in a Germany daily disemboweled for their compliance during the Reich era. Installed by Germany’s occupiers was a carefully monitored and court-managed system of checks and balances to prevent nationalist conservativism from ever taking power again.

But with a further national election next year, and the AfD polling second place in the electoral pecking order at around 16%, it must face the fact that anti-migrant sentiment and ‘right-wing extremism’ are now more widely accepted by the rebellious electorate.

Interestingly, sentiment in favor of conservatism is most pronounced in the former Kremlin-controlled East Germany.

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