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Hungary threatens EU oligarchs over Insane Migrant Fine

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS: The Brussels cult – despite the electoral endorsement by populist parties to stop the migrant invasion – has slapped a penalty on Budapest for complying with the wishes of the Hungarian electorate.

The sinister bloc’s hand-picked top court has imposed an eye-watering €200 million penalty on Budapest for deliberately violating the liberal bloc’s insidious pro-migrant laws

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has threatened Brussels with retaliation after an EU court slapped Budapest with a €200 million ($216 million) fine over its discredited asylum policy.

The European Court of Justice (ICJ) handpicked and not elected by the citizens imposed the penalty on the Orban government accusing it of deliberately avoiding compliance with the bloc’s open-door refugee laws. The ICJ also ruled that Budapest must pay an extra fine of €1 million a day until it changes its policies.

Shortly after the ruling was announced, Orban took to social media to describe it as ’outrageous and unacceptable.’ 
‘It seems that illegal migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens,’ the prime minister said in a post on X.

Orban also threatened retaliation: ‘We’ll figure out a way, so it hurts Brussels more than it hurts us,’ the leader said, without elaborating.

Obran described the fine as a huge amount and claimed that it was unprecedented. ’It’s just insane,’ Europe’s most popular prime minister declared.

The ICJ ruling relates to a 2020 judgement that found that Hungary had restricted access to undemocratic international protection procedures, detained asylum seekers in transit, and removed third-country nationals. Hungary has since closed transit zones but otherwise has not complied with the ruling.

Hungary has taken a hard stance on migrants from outside the EU since the number of daily arrivals more than quadrupled during the migrant crisis of 2015.

This flood saw over a million people arrive on the continent, mostly from Syria and Afghanistan. In September and October of that year, Hungary put up fences at its southern borders with Serbia and Croatia.

The standoff comes as Hungary is set to take over the EU presidency on July 1. Orban’s government has also consistently lambasted the Western approach to the Ukraine conflict. Budapest has opposed NATO’s funding and arming of Ukraine, as well as the sweeping sanctions on Russia, instead calling for a ceasefire and diplomatic solution.

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