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Exit follows Brexit Long Live the Democratic Right

Mainstream media is tongue-tied after Hungary ~ one of several to come, cleared the desks of its European Union Parliament parliamentary group and headed for the exit. This is a massive blow to the credibility of the faltering European Union’s globalist apparatchiks.

Hungary is tasked with rebuilding the European-democratic right in support of Christianity and national sovereignty along with the rejection of multiculturalism and globalism, Prime Minister and Fidesz Party President Viktor Orbán wrote in a short thesis paper on his official homepage on Thursday, just one day after his party left the European People’s Party’s parliamentary group.

‘Fidesz has left the European People’s Party Group in the European Parliament. It has refused to accept that the rights of Members of the European Parliament, and thus the rights of Hungarian voters, be restricted by an amendment of the Group’s statutes,’ Orbán wrote.

In the same piece, Orbán underlined that his party and other conservatives in Europe must now work towards the goals and ideals that once defined the EPP but which have since been discarded.

‘Our task is clear. Now, without the EPP, we must build a European democratic right that offers a home to European citizens who do not want migrants, who reject multiculturalism, who have not descended into LGBTQ lunacy, who defend Europe’s Christian traditions, citizens who respect the sovereignty of nations, and who see their nations, not as part of their past, but as part of their future,’ Orbán wrote.

The title of the article, Samizdat 6, is also suggestive. A Russian neologism, it is an amalgamation of the words sam (self) and izdatelstvo (publishing), a term coined in the former Soviet Union for dissident writings multiplied in makeshift form and distributed clandestinely.

Such publications are also well-known in the former Eastern European satellite states of the Soviet empire that lived with extreme censorship from communist authorities.

Pointing out again the reasons for his party’s departure from the EPP parliamentary group, Orbán said the EPP was conducting a witch-hunt against Hungary at a time when most European countries were locked in a life-and-death battle with the pandemic.

‘While us here in Hungary, and other leaders in their own countries are literally fighting a life-and-death battle against the coronavirus, the EPP is indulging itself in power games within the bubble of bureaucrats in Brussels. This is unacceptable,’ Orbán wrote, continuing with the idea that Fidesz’s departure opens new perspectives in European politics.

‘It is widely known that we Hungarians wanted to return the EPP,  which is in continuous retreat, jettisoning its political values, as if from a sinking airship, to its former position as Europe’s leading intellectual and political force.

We wanted to return it to being a large, strong, democratic formation of the right, which could bring together centrist, conservative and traditional Christian democratic parties and their voters into a great shared political home,’ Orbán wrote.

‘Yesterday this opportunity was lost. The EPP has finally become an annexe of the European left. On the issues of migration, family values and national sovereignty, in other words, the great issues of our age, there is no longer any difference between the EPP and the European left.

There is a good reason for parties on the European left and their leaders to light bonfires in celebration: they have expanded their numbers with the addition of another party. The time for this has come. Long live the democratic right! Source

MICHAEL WALSH is a journalist, broadcaster and the author of WITNESS TO HISTORY, RISE OF THE SUN WHEEL (Paperback / Ebook), TROTSKY’S WHITE NEGROESMEGACAUST,  DEATH OF A CITY MY LAST TESTAMENT LET GOD JUDGE ME,  THE ALL LIES INVASION (Paperback / Ebook), THE All LIES INVASION II (Paperback / Ebook)Odyssey Adolf Hitler, SLAUGHTER OF A DYNASTY, REICH AND WRONG, THE RED BRIGANDS, RANSACKING THE REICH, SCULPTURES OF THE THIRD RIECH: ARNO BREKER AND REICH SCULPTORS, SCULPTURES OF THE THIRD REICH VOLUME II Josef Thorak and Reich Sculptors, SCULPTURES OF THE THIRD REICH VOLUME III Porcelain and Reich Sculptors,  and other book titles. These best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.

MICHAEL WALSH is a journalist, author, and broadcaster. His 70 books include best-selling THE LAST GLADIATORS Fiancés of Death (Paperback / Ebook); AFRICA’S KILLING FIELDS: African Victims of the Liberal-Left (Paperback / Ebook); RHODESIA’S DEATH EUROPE’S FUNERAL European to Wall Street Colonialism (Paperback / Ebook); RISE OF THE SUN WHEEL (Paperback / Ebook), THE ALL LIES INVASION I, THE All LIES INVASION II,  and many other book titles. These illustrated best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.

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MEGACAUST Michael Walsh. R. J. Rummel,   Power Kills: Genocide and Mass Murder (Journal of Peace Research) 164 million people have been killed in cold blood this century by Capitalist / Communist governments. 

SLAUGHTER OF A DYNASTY  Michael Walsh. Covertly sponsored by Wall Street banks and the White House Bolsheviks seized Tsarist Russia (regime change). For 36 years news of Bolshevik atrocities and 70 million martyred Christians were censored by Western media.  Lavishly illustrated, this expose reveals secrets removed from Western history books.

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3 replies »

  1. Good for President Orban, and, it’s about time. It may just be Eastern Europe and possibly Russia that saves the European continent. This is the best news I have heard in quite some time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, they used to have a collective backbone. But, that was before the psychopaths who wear the funny-little-hats decided that being a guest in host-countries wasn’t good enough. And, now, they are working towards a world of their own where those who don’t belong to the family will be treated like two-legged-cattle. If you doubt what I am posting, read a collection of books known as the commentaries on the Torah. It is also known as the Babylonian Talmud.

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