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Of the world’s continents and great countries, White Europe alone is slated for Population Displacement

ETHNIC SUICIDE OF EUROPE: Twenty per cent of babies born in France in 2021 were given a Muslim name, according to a new analysis of data released from the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies. The French civil registry, a list published since 1900 of all the first names of children born in France, is reviewed by the Fdesouche news outlet every year.

Using additional information such as names not necessarily Muslim, the figure for migrant births could be as high as 30 or even 35 per cent. Bear in mind too, that the migrant population is young and the progeny are tomorrow’s childbearing generation. Expect the 30 per cent to quickly outpace the birthrate of Europeans.

These figures are being repeated across the European Union and Scandinavia with the only exceptions being Poland, Hungary, The Czech and Slovak Nations, and tiny nations like the Baltic and Balkan States.

‘Europe today has little desire to reproduce itself, fight for itself, or even take its own side in an argument. By the end of the lifespan of most people alive, Europe will not be Europe and the peoples of Europe will have lost the only place in the world we had to call home.’ ~ Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe.

‘His conclusion is bleak, but the predictions are not irrevocable. As Murray argues, this may be our last chance to change the outcome, before it’s too late.’ ~ THE TIMES commenting on The Strange Death of Europe, Douglas Murray.

The percentage of Muslim names for 2021 is actually the first decrease seen since 1996, with a loss of 0.30 points compared to 2020. Since 2000, the number of Muslim names given to newborns has grown an average of 0.7 percentage points per year.

Urban areas across France, Germany, Britain and the Low Countries are seeing the fastest growth in demographic replacement, with non-Europeans rapidly displacing people of European origin.

Ethnic statistics are not available in France, so researchers must look into factors like how many people are born with Muslim names to determine demographic trends. French authorities also publish how many people were born abroad along with their children (first- and second-generation immigrants).

The data for 2021 additionally shows that 738,000 babies were born in France, representing an increase from 2020 of 3,000. The slight rise ends a decline observed from 2015 to 2020. It is also worth noting that all children born in 2021 were conceived during coronavirus lockdowns.

Not all areas of the country saw an increase in births. For example, there was a decrease in births in certain regions where the rate of granting Muslim first names is high, especially in Paris and Alsace.


However, there is still a very high level of rare first names, defined as any name given to less than three newborns every year. Statistics indicate that Muslim first names make up an estimated one-third of rare first names, essentially spelling variations of first names or compound first names. If these names are included, then it is estimated that Muslims’ first names make up 25 per cent of all births.



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