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Hapless NATO top brass caught conspiring to attack Russia

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MICHAEL WALSH REPORTS: After NATO Generals were eavesdropped on and ‘caught with their sticky fingers in the till’, Russia can be forgiven for thinking; you can’t fix stupid. Equally dumb are the scribblers of Western media who lamely pass off the humiliation as if it is no big deal.

Russia eavesdropped on NATO generals conspiring to use Taurus missiles to carry out attacks on Russian infrastructure, in this case, the Crimea Bridge, the greatest bridge in Europe.

NATO’s servicemen and women must be tossing in their bunks wondering if their hapless top brass is worth laying down their lives for. If so, final proof of Darwin’s natural selection thesis. Idiots are of better use when dead.


German media are sounding the alarm: Bundeswehr generals were easy to wiretap. The incident with the Russian wiretapping of Bundeswehr generals alarmed the German media. While some try to figure out whether the leaked recording is genuine, others don’t doubt it.

They wonder why it was so easy to wiretap Germany’s armed forces and what explosive consequences such carelessness could lead to.


Four high-ranking Bundeswehr soldiers talk for half an hour about one of the most politically explosive topics of our time – and the recording ends up on the Internet. 

‘An unpleasant surprise for the Bundeswehr: Russian media have published a recording of an explosive telephone conversation between four senior German officers.’

‘German Defense Minister Pistorius must urgently explain to the public to what extent the audio recording of consultations between German military officers about possible scenarios for an attack on the Crimean Bridge is true,’ MP Sevim Dagdelen said in the Berliner Zeitung.


This is the same NATO in collaboration with their mainstream media who keep telling their duped citizens that NATO is merely defensive. The citizens of Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq and scores of other victims of American regime change don’t think so.

The initial internal analysis of the Ministry of Defense suggests that the recording was not falsified. This puts Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz in a difficult position. 

He rejected the possibility of supplying Taurus to Ukraine, citing the fact that German soldiers were needed in Ukraine to launch cruise missiles. On the other hand, the generals in the recording suggest that Ukraine will be able to control them independently.

‘It’s no secret that Russia is spying on Germany. But now even Air Force generals have been wiretapped. Well, it is what spies to and the reason why the Russians are grinning from ear to ear.

If Bundeswehr negotiations are so easy to eavesdrop on, in the current situation this is a disaster. ’Given the explosive nature of the topics, an encrypted communication line should have been used in this case,’ mourns Der Spiegel.

ROGER KÖPPEL, editor-in-chief of Die Weltwoche: This revelation in a certain sense draws Germany deeper into this war. With this kind of talk, the Air Force generals are dragging Germany deeper into the war. My guess is that they will either be fired or punished to the fullest extent.

Probably, the generals who show such incompetence and betray their alliance partners should be immediately fired. 

I mean, the Americans will probably be beside themselves, too. The British will laugh at such negligence, such a disregard for the leadership of the German air force.

And, of course, what is happening here is a process that can bring the world one step closer to the third world war. 

Are the Germans leading us to world war again? This question arises in this situation, and it cannot in any way be called absurd. 

Here is the deplorable state of the Bundeswehr, and frivolous frivolity regarding the prospect of a world war. There seems to be no awareness at all of the enormous danger and threat that lies in the situation in which we find ourselves.

MIKE WALSH Irish ‘Writer of the Year’ author of over 70 books all of which are banned in the West. In 1979, the tell-it-as-it-is historian received multiple fines and arrests including 6 x 4-month prison sentences for publishing flyers that correctly predicted the negative consequences of non-European immigration. CONTACT MIKE WALSH ~ ~ IF YOU LIKE THIS AND OTHER STORIES PLEASE CONSIDER A DONATION TO HELP US MAKE ENDS MEET ~ ~

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