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Vladimir Putin’s Message to the World ~ VIDEO

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“Our battle for sovereignty, for justice, without any exaggeration, is of a national liberation nature because we defend the security and well-being of our people. The highest historical right to be Russia, a strong, independent power, country, civilization.” ~ Vladimir Putin President of Russia 

“We are fighting today not only for the freedom of Russia but for the freedom of the whole world,’ the president said, stating that Moscow is now at the forefront of creating a more reasonable world order and that without a sovereign, strong Russia, no lasting, stable world order is possible.” ~ Putin November 28, 2023

“The West has started playing the old tune’ of calling Russia a prison of nations, describing the Russian people as slaves and even going as far as to call for the decolonization of Russia.

We’ve heard this all before,’ he said, adding that what the opponents of Russia really want is to dismember and plunder the country, if not by force, then by sowing discord within its borders.” ~ Putin November 28, 2023.

“We are ready for it. We have become stronger. Our historical regions have returned to Russia. Society abandons everything superficial and turns to true, authentic values. Together we showed such a nationwide strength, such a nationwide will, a determination to defend our fundamental interests.” ~ Vladimir Putin.

Referring to the Yeltsin years: ‘‘I never wanted anything that wasn’t mine. When I watched Russia perish, I promised myself to God that I would save her.

It turned out that I had to save the whole world because the demons that had taken over the West were trying to kill everything spiritual on this planet. I know I will succeed because I have the power and support of the Lord… I don’t need anything else!’’ ~ Vladimir Putin.

Western Colonialism: ‘The colonial era is over. While Russia is absolutely a part of European civilization, there is no denying that many major colonial empires in the West are now medium-sized or small countries, Putin said, comparing the population of Portugal with its former colony Brazil, the UK with India, and how China’s Guangdong province alone has 1.5 times the population of Germany. European capitals were once the center of the universe – but this is already in the past.” ~ Vladimir Putin.

Speaking about those countries that are waiting for Russia’s demise, “We are only worried about one thing — how not to catch a cold at your funeral.” ~ Vladimir Putin

“I sometimes think that it would be good for us if those who want to impose sanctions would introduce all the sanctions that can be imposed, and as quickly as possible. This would give us a free hand to protect our national interests by such means as we consider most effective for us. And this will lead to a real disaster for those who unleashed such sanctions against us.” ~ Vladimir Putin.  

“God’s love for a man is not that he fulfils all our requests and desires. And in that, He allows us to pray to Him in the hope of the best. This is Hope and the expectation of a Miracle, and is the very Star who lights our life’s path and supports us through its most difficult stages.” ~ Vladimir Putin.

BOLSHEVISM: ‘After World War Two we tried to impose on many Eastern European nations our model of development and we did it through force. We must acknowledge that. There is nothing good in that and it still affects us today. The Americans are doing something like that now, trying to impose their model on virtually the whole world. They will fail too.’ ~ President Vladimir Putin,

RACIAL MINORITIES: ‘If minorities prefer Sharia Law, then we advise them to go to those places where that is the State Law. Russia does not need minorities. Minorities need Russia, and we will not grant them special privileges, or change our laws to fit their desires, no matter how loud they shout discrimination.’ ~ Vladimir Putin.

EUROPE A COLONY OF THE UNITED STATES: ‘Europe can’t oppose the US deployment of missiles, even if it is contrary to their interests, because no country can be truly independent these days. The modern world is the world of interdependency.

“Do you think European countries want missiles in Europe? Nobody wants it. But they keep silent. Where is their sovereignty? The EU Parliament, he said, makes more decisions on behalf of the member countries than the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on behalf of constituent republics.” ~ Vladimir Putin. Sochi, February 14, 2019.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: “The president knows only too well what incredible difficulties both domestic and external, he has inherited and which are to be avoided today. I would like to praise the prudence and soundness of his decisions and judgements. At large, he has a quick mind and agile wit and has no lust for personal power, no thrill of power. He really works hard. Hard because the tasks are extremely hard to accomplish.” (Interview with the Russian television dated September 21, 2000).

‘Yes, Vladimir Putin used to be a security officer but he was neither a KGB investigator nor a GULAG camp chief. Notably, international, so to say, external services are condemned in no country, on the contrary, they are often praised. No one ever upbraided George Bush Sr. for his being CIA director in the past.’ (Alexander Solzhenitsyn interview with Der Spiegel of July 2007). 

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6 replies »

  1. Also ,so fitting that the first time of so many people participated in the elections of what I understand is over 90 % and handed the Presidency ,once again to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin with a majority of over 87 % . Well done to the Russian people .Much love !


  2. Also ,so fitting ,the National Anthem of Russia on their elections with a participation of

    over 90% handing the Presidency to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin once again with a majority of over 88 % .Well deserved !

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Wow.. just wow..I really needed to experience this today.. thank you so much for the inspiration and joy this gave to my heart.. that national anthem is truly something to stand for, as is the country.. God Speed President Putin… God speed…

    Liked by 1 person

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