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FICO’S ASSASSIN ~ Investigators check out the CIA and SBU

CITIZENS FREE PRESS ~ Prime Minister Robert Fico’s shooter was not a lone criminal, Slovakia has disclosed. Europe Renaissance was right.

In our American Free Press news story on May 19 (ASSASSIN-NATION we revealed that Slovakian assassin, Juraj Cintula (left) was likely mentored by the CIA and Kyiv’s SBU (formerly KGB). We predict: that the assailant who knows too much will ‘commit suicide.’

In the case of the attack on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, new details are emerging. As it turned out, the attacker who shot Fico did have accomplices, which the authorities initially denied.

And the details of the attack on a politician disliked by the United States raise questions, writes Asia Times.

Slovak authorities no longer believe that Prime Minister Robert Fico, who shot the country’s prime minister, was a lone criminal. According to the Minister of Internal Affairs, two hours after the assassination attempt, the attacker’s entire communication history was deleted from his home computer.

He could not have done this, because he was detained on the spot. His wife also did not touch any IT devices. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the possibility that a certain group is behind the crime.

Why was Fico targeted? Fico was regarded as a non-comforting politician by the West’s ruling liberal cults and their compliant mainstream media.

Primarily because, like neighboring Hungary, he stopped military aid to Ukraine and opposed the continuation of the conflict. He vowed not to sed Slovakian troops to Ukraine and appealed for peace negotiations.

This was more than enough to cause the hatred of the Washington Deep State and the unelected Brussel political regime. It would be necessary for the politically incorrect Fico to be eliminated. The premier was gunned down and took four bullets in his torso.

The attack happened on Wednesday, but interestingly the judge did not allow the police to search the suspect’s apartment until Friday. The judge will be questioned and investigated. There was no ambulance at the scene and no hospital nearby. The critically wounded prime minister had to be flown by helicopter to another city.

The head of state’s security detail allowed the prime minister to go ahead when he approached the cordon, which is also contrary to the rules. The security had to get there first.

On the other side of the cordon, there were no security personnel in the crowd to watch people from behind or mingle with the crowd, Slovak media reported. 

Also, according to experts, five shots took at least three to four seconds. During this time no one intervened. Only then was the shooter captured by police and security personnel.

The Russian department noted that the data received by the SVR indicate growing irritation of the leadership of the United States and the European Union with changes in geopolitical realities and the strengthening of the positions of nationally oriented political forces. 

As noted in the statement, the assassination attempt on Fico shows that the globalist totalitarian-liberal elites, in conditions where they cannot maintain their domination by civilized methods, are turning to open political terror against their opponents.

The crime against the Prime Minister of Slovakia draws an analogy with the high-profile murders of Martin Luther King and Olof Palme, who tried to go against the mainstream, the SVR added.

The department also stated that US government agencies are seeking to join the investigation into the assassination attempt on Fico to prevent the promotion of the topic of political terrorism in Europe. The big question: How long before the assassin Juraj Cintula commits ‘suicide’ whilst in prison.

EUROPE RENAISSANCE each month receives a little over €100 in donations. Shameful: Its pensioner editor works for less than $1 an hour.

“I can no longer cope with apathy and a freeloading White Right refusing support. If we disappear it is because the spirit of activism and giving is a thing of the past.” Michael Walsh

1 reply »

  1. The CIA and its SBU (and EU) lackeys is of course the prime suspect, it just makes sense, BUT, remember that hours before he was shot Fico received the visit of career criminal Tedros (director general of the WHO) who demanded Fico to revert his decision not to sign the fraudulent “pandemic treaty” and IHR amendments currently pushed in stealth mode to give unprecedented power to the UN/WHO and their puppeteers (globalists, big pharma, etc…).

    They murdered 4 heads of state (Tanzania, Haiti…) during the covid scamdemic because they refused to go along with the WHO/globalists vax agenda.

    Tomorrow is the last day of the “negotiations” at the WHO in Geneva and a huge rally against these criminals will take place:

    March and Rally from May 31st & June 1st 2024 in Geneva, Switzerland.


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