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BERLIN set to outlaw political opposition

FREE CITIZENS NEWS FUNDED BY READERS Polling shows east German state elections will be a historic turning point as the anti-migrant Alternative for Germany (AfD) Party seeps inexorably into achieving ballot box peoples’ power.

However, the globalist liberal elite will have none of that: There are plans afoot to ban the AfD, arrest its leaders, investigate its supporters and remove the right-wing party from opposition.

Can the AfD break through in the east of Germany? The sinister pro-Washington centrist CDU and far-left BSW are already plotting an alliance to prevent the people’s popular AfD’s rise.

German elections in the eastern states this autumn are likely to send shockwaves through the German and EU political landscape. The latest poll from Saxony shows the Alternative for Germany (AfD) leading at an arm-raising 32 percent.

AfD performing well in these elections is mostly already beyond question. Now the carefully managed German political establishment is looking for ways to keep the more popular pro-peace with Russia party out of power, including what will likely be extremely eccentric alliances with the Police and Press.

The real twist in these polls is the introduction of the newly formed anti-migrant BSW party, led by Sahra Wagenknecht. In the poll from Saxony, the party is in third place with 15 per cent. Until recently, Wagenknecht’s party did not even exist.

The Christian Democrats (CDU) are in a close second behind the AfD. The only possible coalitions would be AfD and BSW, AfD and CDU, and CDU and BSW.

In such a scenario, any governing coalition in Saxony would need only 44 percent of the vote to sweep to power and return democracy to Washington Occupied Germany (WOG) as most parties would not make the cut to enter parliament.

The polling continues to reveal the historic crash of left-liberal parties, with the Greens at a pitiful 5 per cent, the Social Democrats at a derisory 5 per cent, and the Free Democrats at a measly 2 per cent.

With a 5 per cent threshold, all of these parties are threatened with being voted extinct, which would be a catastrophe for the left-liberal coalition.

If the EU elections were any barometer, the pro-Berlin media and the government would likely wait until the final two months of the state elections. Then, in true Globalist-Bolshevik style spring investigations, launch arrests, and wage a massive state media campaign against the anti-migrant right.

The last mainstream media onslaught against the AfD appeared to have little effect in the east of Germany. In this region, 6he electorate is more mature and politically sophisticated than the sheep in what was once West Germany.

Here, in the former East Germany, the AfD rose to be the number one party in the country. MICHAEL WALSH VETERAN JOURNALIST

QUOTABLE QUOTES: “… the greater part of the population is not very intelligent, dreads responsibility, and desires nothing better than to be told what to do. Provided the rulers do not interfere with its material comforts and its cherished beliefs, it is perfectly happy to let itself be ruled.”

~ Aldous Huxley


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