

FREE CITIZENS VIEWS ~ When in 1968 I became immersed in the struggle for Europe the problems caused by non-European immigration were few.

Our generation’s warnings of catastrophe went unheeded. In Britain from the 1960s, many of our working-class fighters were gaoled, fined, persecuted, lost their livelihoods, were vilified by the media, and some lost their lives in street fighting.

We were dragged through courts, and multiple fines whilst the Press Gang ranted about our campaigns to keep Europe White.

At the same time, anti-white racists promoted Black and Asian values. The race-destroyers promoted race-mixing and sponsored reverse racism.

Street fights during marches, demonstrations and public meetings were part of our lives.  From 1968 our movement published fliers warning of the dangers of immigration. We were constantly fined and imprisoned for telling the truth. 

In 1979 I published several flyers warning of the dangers of immigration and abortion. By no stretch of the imagination could their content be described as inflammatory. One flyer was a reprint of The Whiteman’s Burden, a Rudyard Kipling poem. Asians, who also abhor mixed marriages, bought these flyers. 

As a consequence, I was tried in Mold, North Wales. Lacking legal representation, I was the victim of a hand-picked jury that included non-Europeans.

On receiving a guilty verdict, I was handed down six x four-month prison sentences to run concurrently. I served my sentences in HM Prison Walton, Liverpool and HM Appleton Thorn Prison near Warrington, Cheshire.

I was at first confined to a cell with a deranged inmate. During the term spent in Liverpool’s notorious prison, I was terrorised and intimidated by White prison guards. I will never forgive them for their treachery against their ethnic family. One senior prison officer conceded that I was the first prisoner in his experience to be gaoled for being honest.

Media hacks claim I was gaoled ‘for race hate offences.’ Newsmen vilified fellow dissidents for defending ethnic-European values. The same pandered to non-Whites and promoted Black interests. These despicable hacks spit their ink venom in the faces of their own.  

Today, 57 years since I first warned of the coloured invasion things are truly nightmarish. What else have I to offer except immense experience and again risk the wrath of ethnic traitors who persecute their own for daring to hold alternative opinions? Posterity damns these race-betrayers.

On the face of it, it should be difficult for race mixers to condemn prejudice in favour of one’s own kind as ‘race hatred’.

The real race haters are the racemixers: After all people of all races and creeds practice it. Even the race-mixers seldom indulge in the unnatural behaviour they foist upon others. How absurd for them to stigmatise man’s natural preference for his own kind.

The destruction of ethnic groups through race mixing is GENOCIDE and is the worst kind of racism imaginable? The race mixers even have the gall to promote the concept of racial pride in non-white ethnic groups whilst holding it as a sin when their own kind practices it. This makes them hypocrites, deviants, the worst kind of racist, the selective racist

The American Negro remains a Negro first. The Jew remains a Jew wherever in the world he is. The Aryan remains tribal; fighting his own kind. The idiot of the species fights on behalf of his race’s enemies to destroy his own kind. Nothing is too base for him. He is as much an aberration of nature as would be the Jew who pays an Arab to kill a fellow Jew. The race-mixing cults sold their souls, their heritage and their people. ~ Michael Walsh.

MIKE WALSH is a journalist, broadcaster and the author of WITNESS TO HISTORY: THE REICH LEGEND UNCENSORED, LIFE IN THE REICH, MY LAST TESTAMENT – LET GOD JUDGE ME, HEROES HANG WHEN TRAITORS TRIUMPH, and other book titles. These best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.





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MEGACAUST Michael Walsh. R. J. Rummel, Power Kills: Genocide and Mass Murder (Journal of Peace Research) 164 million people have been killed in cold blood this century by Capitalist / Communist governments.

SLAUGHTER OF A DYNASTY Michael Walsh. Covertly sponsored by Wall Street banks and the White House Bolsheviks seized Tsarist Russia (regime change). For 36 years news of Bolshevik atrocities and 70 million martyred Christians were censored by Western media. Lavishly illustrated, this expose reveals secrets removed from Western history books.

When ordering the book contact Michael Walsh by email euroman_uk@yahoo.co.uk to receive your signed copy.

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