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Nation Killing War Hawk Minority Pushes for War with Russia ~ VIDEO

FREE CITIZENS NEWS ~ SPONSORED BY READERS: Hungary is reevaluating its role in NATO. It has no intention of taking part in actions that could involve member states in the Ukraine conflict and lead to a direct clash with Russia, Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Friday.

Orban stated that his country has already been relegated to the role of a non-participant within the US-led military bloc due to its stance on Ukraine.

Budapest is now working on legal ways to retain its membership but reserves the right to abstain from joining NATO operations it disagrees with.

The bloc’s most charismatic and popular head of state says ‘the Press Gang creates a pro-war psychosis reminiscent of the 1930s when compliant mainstream media was clamoring for war with the Workers Reich.’

‘Hungary’s position must be redefined; our lawyers and officials are working on ways to allow Hungary to continue to exist as a NATO member without participating in NATO activities outside the bloc’s territory. We need to create a new approach, a new definition for our position as a pro-peace force within NATO,’ Orban said.

According to the prime minister, there are ’alarming similarities’ between the emotionally charged media publications and statements by Western politicians regarding the Ukraine conflict and the atmosphere preceding the First and Second World Wars.

‘What is happening today in Brussels and Washington looks like warming up for a possible direct military conflict. We can safely call it the preparation of Europe’s entry into the war,’ 

Orban said, adding that there are working groups within NATO that are assessing the best ways for the bloc to further boost its participation in the conflict.

He warned that the end result of these actions could be a direct conflict between the EU, NATO, and Russia – a grim prospect, as the conflict would involve nuclear powers and cost hundreds of millions of lives.

Someone tell me why instead of isolating this conflict – because it is a war between two Slavic peoples, despite all the arguments on the side of Ukraine – we choose to jump into this war?

Orban noted that the bloc was created to defend member states against aggressors ~ not waging wars outside its territory. Commenting on Western claims that Russia could attack Europe if it defeats Ukraine.

Orban said the chances of this happening are extremely slim. Warnings only serve as an excuse to become directly involved in the Ukraine conflict.

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MIKE WALSH is a journalist, broadcaster and the author of WITNESS TO HISTORY: THE REICH LEGEND UNCENSORED, LIFE IN THE REICH, MY LAST TESTAMENT – LET GOD JUDGE ME, HEROES HANG WHEN TRAITORS TRIUMPH, and other book titles. These best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.





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