Tag: Advent

Why Do Poles Write K+M+B on Their Doors?

A person visiting Poland for the first time may spot an unfamiliar inscription in white chalk on doors they pass – ‘K+M+B’ or ‘C+M+B’. The tradition of writing these letters has its origin in the 18th century. During the communist regime, many Poles continued this tradition as a demonstration of their own beliefs.

Why were so many ancient gods born on December 25, the winter solstice?

The December 25th birthday of the sun god is a common story worldwide, dating back at least 12,000 years, as reflected in winter solstice scenes recorded in caves. Around the world beginning thousands of years ago, people have celebrated the birth of the god Sol (Sun) to the Queen of Heaven, the Celestial Virgin. The winter solstice has been celebrated in many places, from China to the Americas.