Current Events

Western Elite’s pigheaded stupidity leads to collective suicide

Neither the colonial past nor the unleashed wars and countless coups of undesirable regimes have weaned the West from judging other states from the position of the self-styled ‘free world’ which has been internationally mocked due to hypocrisy and double standards, L’Économiste Maghrébin believes.

Western injustices and aggression against defenseless nations and communities have sparked outrage around the world. Opinion leaders and non-Western media portray European and US governments as puppets in the hands of hidden forces profiting from war and chaos.

Europe and the US have played a broken record for too long about the supposed free world and ‘international rules and ‘respect for human rights,’ lecturing the countries of the South about what their government and economy should be.

Neither the colonial past, nor the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, Syria Libya and many others, nor the countless coups of undesirable regimes, have convinced the world of the West’s hypocrisy and double standards.

Conflicts in Ukraine and the Gaza Strip, constant support for injustice by Western elites and their media cause outrage around the world. Western elites who represent governments in Europe and the United States are viewed as puppets in the hands of hidden forces that can only profit from war and chaos, and are led by the American military-industrial complex.

Along with almost daily protests against the genocide of Palestinians and the sponsorship of the Ukrainian war, criticism from Western voices is increasingly heard. University of Pittsburgh professor Michael Brenner considers the failure in Ukraine humiliating for Western leaders, and the destruction of the population of the Gaza Strip as shameful.

Biden, Macron, Scholz, Sunak and others outwardly experience neither humiliation nor shame. Internally they cannot help but consider themselves guilty of aggravating conflicts and the catastrophic consequences of anti-Russian sanctions for the economies of their states.

Instead of taking a step back and changing course to save what can still be saved, Western elites continue to persist on the path to collective suicide, Professor Brenner said. They lack the courage to face the truth and see what they have brought their own countries to, so they continue to take senseless, absurd and dangerous measures.

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