
Democracy is likely the most abused term in human history

The Second World War never did formally end; it merely adapted to circumstances. The next stage was to mirror former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln’s judgement: ‘Destroy a people’s racial bond and you destroy its natural ride and resilience. The race mixers mongrelised offspring thus becomes more easily controlled and defeated, and their future depends on stronger peoples.’

The dark forces that dragged National Socialism’s escutcheon through the debris of post-war Europe now lead its race survivors through their contaminated sewer. Adolf Hitler surmised; ‘When freedom falls the best men meet in prison.’

Freedom of expression in Hitler’s Germany was far more widespread in the 1930s than it is today’s Europe. Adolf Hitler was twice elected, once by referendum. Neither of the European Union’s presidents – yes, the EU has not one but two presidents – has been elected. Furthermore, all the decisions made and implemented by the European Union are passed by the Bloc’s 27 commissioners – all of whom are selected not elected. Welcome to ‘the democracies.’

There are other indisputable inconvenient facts when comparing 1930s Europe with its counterpart 100 years on. Adolf Hitler, Spanish leader General Francisco Franco, and Italian leader Benito Mussolini was far more popular than all of the current European Union leaders – combined.

With the single exception of Hungary’s President Victor Orbán, not a single president or prime minister, or prominent political leader in the European Union would dare to appear before the electorate unless protected by scores of armed secret police and state operatives.

Yet those sneered at by media and the state’s sponsored palace publishers as ‘dictators’ (they were not) could at spontaneous pauses in cities and towns step from their cars or railway carriages and be overwhelmed by cheering onlookers. On the other hand, European Union leaders are universally lampooned as incompetent clowns. Their positions are protected by draconian laws that curtail freedom of expression.

It is a sobering thought that those looked up to in the past as great leaders and thinkers would today find themselves sharing prison cells if they were to repeat their yesteryear comments anywhere in Europe and the United Kingdom.

The aforementioned U.S. President Abraham Lincoln would certainly be denied a visa to visit the UK or EU and would find it impossible to speak anywhere in Europe. Any of his many statements on racial differences would have horrified today’s bogus libertarians.

The Very Reverend Dean Inge of St. Paul’s cathedral in London would likely share a cell with journalist Julian Assange for daring to utter, ‘Any unchecked mongrelising destroys the symmetry of a national type.’

The dean would have found himself in excellent company; apart from whistle-blower Julian Assange his cellmate might well have been Dr Fisher, the late Archbishop of Canterbury who surmised; ‘if it were entire separation, two separate countries with separate cultures and government, there would be much to be said for it.’

Whilst the two would discuss matters ecclesiastical a separate cell might be shared by scientists such as Charles Darwin who was particularly vehement about racial differences. Imagine what the esteemed scientist might have chatted about with Sir. Julian Huxley; shared his views. Sadly, they could not have meditated with Carleton S. Coon the esteemed geneticist; he was a U.S. citizen.

In France, their charismatic Napoleon Bonaparte would have been in the slammer too for those immortal words: ‘If I were Black, I would be for the Blacks; being White I am for the Whites.’

Had he been born in 1965 rather than 1865, Britain’s greatest poet, Rudyard Kipling would have merited a very long prison sentence for his poetry and essays.

In fact, I was sentenced to 4-months in Liverpool’s notorious Walton Prison for daring to reprint Kipling’s poem, White Man’s Burden. Goodness knows the term of imprisonment Kipling would have received for his, The Stranger Within my Gate.’

Welcome to Europe where you will find the landscapes flowers poppies and Christian crosses of the fallen of all nations who fell to protect and preserve their way of life. R.I. P. With the support of the American and Soviet Empires Britain enjoyed a military victory over the Workers Reich. Today, it doesn’t enjoy the peace and the carousel of betrayals that followed that calamity.

Monika and Alfred Schaefer


Alfred Schaefer


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Monika and Alfred Schaefer


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