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Catholic school student arrested in Canada for saying men and women are different

STOP PRESS ~ BREAKING: Police in the Canadian province of Ontario has arrested and detained a student at a local Catholic school, Josh Alexander, who had previously come into conflict with the school administration because of his Christian beliefs. 

As Alexander himself said in an interview with the channel, during a discussion at school, he said that men and women are different, and he was forthwith forbidden to appear on the territory of the educational institution, and when he tried to come to classes, the school staff handed him over to the state police. 

The high school student did not rule out that, because of his views, he would not be able to get a secondary education in the end. Few Americans are interested in Canada – even if this country suddenly takes and disappears, we will not report about it even on the evening news. But we are still monitoring the situation in Canada – and all because we are amazed at how quickly such a good country turned into a totalitarian state. Shouldn’t we take some lessons from this?

And here’s an example for you: in Canada, a high school student was arrested for saying that men and women are different. The student’s name is Josh Alexander, and he attended St. Joseph’s High School, a Catholic school located in Renfrew, Ontario, but was banned from the school grounds for claiming that God created only two genders. The statement is understandable: it, in general, corresponds to Christian teaching, and to common sense too. And when the student nevertheless came to class, he was detained by the police – you can watch how this happened on your screens. 

Well, it seemed to us that it would be good to talk with him – therefore, Josh Alexander himself and his lawyer James Kitchen get in touch with us. Thank you both for visiting us. Josh, the first question for you, were you arrested for walking into a Catholic school after claiming that men and women are different? Are we exaggerating anything?

JOSH ALEXANDER, high school student: No, you’re not exaggerating – that’s exactly what happened. However, this point has been reached in several stages. Several female students from our school complained to me, confessing that they were worried about the fact that male students came into their bathroom. 

This question eventually grew into an intra-school discussion, and I decided to stand my ground in it, and to reinforce this point of view, I used quotations from the Holy Scriptures. Then I was forbidden to appear in the school building until the end of the school year – and when I tried to come to class, I was detained, and charging me.

Did you remind yourself that your school is Christian, and your thought is one of the ideas underlying Christianity since it is contained in the main book for this religion, which some also call the Bible?

JOSH ALEXANDER: Of course. I even tried to discuss it with the school administration, but they refused to talk to me.

Mr Kitchen – by the way, please accept my regrets about what happened to your, in my opinion, beautiful country – but what legal means can you resort to in Canada in this case?

JAMES KITCHEN, lawyer: Of course, we have a limited arsenal, since our country has a much weaker constitution, and besides, there is much less piety in relation to the personal rights and freedoms of citizens, both from a legal and cultural point of view and the government is much more interested in doing whatever he pleases. And yet, in this case, we have the opportunity to appeal to the Ontario Commission on Human Rights: we believe that there was religious discrimination against Josh’s Christian beliefs, and in this regard, we will file a complaint with the commission. In addition, there is an option to act directly through the School Board to challenge relevant disciplinary actions, and we hope to explore this option as well.

What happens – your country was captured by the son of Fidel Castro, and it suddenly turned into Cuba? Simply amazing. Josh, I’ll quickly ask you: the police officers who detained you, a high school student, for quoting the Bible on the territory of a Christian school, must have been ashamed of what they are doing – at least I hope they are. Did they look embarrassed?

JOSH ALEXANDER: I wouldn’t say that. In recent years, I have repeatedly had to come into close contact with the police – at the “Convoy of Freedom” and other actions of this kind – and I can say that the police in our country are in a rather shameful state. So, in my case, they acted as usual. Will you continue your studies at school?

 JOSH ALEXANDER: I will certainly try to continue it – I hope my personal beliefs do not deprive me of the opportunity to get an education. But it looks like that is exactly what will happen.

Just an ugly story. Hope you both stay on the air. Thank you! Josh Alexander and James Kitchen were with us.

MIKE WALSH is a journalist, broadcaster and the author of WITNESS TO HISTORY: THE REICH LEGEND UNCENSORED, LIFE IN THE REICH, MY LAST TESTAMENT – LET GOD JUDGE ME, HEROES HANG WHEN TRAITORS TRIUMPH, and other book titles. These best-selling books are essential for the libraries of informed readers.





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